Tuesday, 29 March 2011

w/e 18th march..... A totally s**t week

Well the title says it all really. On Saturday Alex's eye is still gunking but theres no sign of it in mine yet. I take DD to a birthday party just up the road and its every parents joy - 'drop off and leave'. Yay, several 5 year olds left to create mayhem and mess in someone elses house. And I am knackered having had a very poor nights sleep the night before. So I actually doze sitting upright on the sofa with Alex on my lap, DH on the other sofa flicking the paper. I go and collect her a couple of hours later and she has had a fab time. She also looks very cute as it was a girls only princess party and she has on lipstick, nailvarnish, hair all curled and a fake heart tattoo.

By the evening my eyes feel a bit sticky, I try to ignore it and we all go to bed. Terrible nights sleep - I wake about midnight and one of my eyes is gunked shut. Lovely.  So I creep out of bed, get cotton wool to cleanse them, double wash my hands and antibac before getting back in bed just as he wakes for his first feed. This process is repeated 3 times through the night and by the morning one eyelid is so swollen its half open.  Now I realise this is only conjuctivitis and not the end of the world but on top of the eye problems I already have its not good at all.  I can't touch DD or DH for fear of infecting them and Alex only has it mildly so I try to handle him as little as possible (nearly impossible!) All the towels, bedding etc gets washed. We are due to visit friends for lunch today but we have to cancel.

I worry about stuff to do with my eyes and after trying to have a sensible conversation with myself to pull myself together I decide to ring eye casualty at Northampton General to see what they advise. Given my previous history they want to have a look at me rather than me just buying some eye drops over the counter.  We drop DD off at my mums and DH takes me and Alex there (can't go without him incase he needs feeding of course) Thankfully its not too busy and I get seen within the hour. They take some swabs and check eye pressure etc and I get given a prescription for some eye ointment. I am reassured that I can continue to use my steroid eye drops too, they won't affect the conjunctivitis.  Sorted...........

After another hideous night of eye wiping/handwashing/baby feeding etc I feed knackered on Monday morning and my eyes look really red - and the lids are bright red too now. If I had white hair I would be an albino I swear.  I wear my sunglasses to do the school run and thankfully as it is actually sunny I don't look too much of an idiot. By late afternoon its apparent that I am allergic to the bloody drops as when DH gets in from work he does a double take. Looked like I have actually been burned around the eyes. I stop the drops - just hope 2 days of drops will be enough to get rid of the gunk and I just use cotton wool pads and cool water instead.  That evening I go to my friends house for a meal and its a nice diversion although they all think my eyes look terrible its good to have a catch up and would you believe my first evening out since having the baby boy.

By Tuesday morning my eyelids look less red and puffy but the eyeballs themselves look like one of those comedy bloodshot halloween eyeballs. I feel wrecked and ever so slightly tearful. When I get my morning text from mum saying 'R U OK?' I well up. NO I AM NOT.......I don't text back.   She phones me late morning after work and I have a good cry down the phone. 3 nights of crap sleep and dodgy eyes sends me over the edge. So after lunch I go down to her house and I lie on the sofa while she looks after baby boy. I feel better for having just an hours break. She antibacs the sink after I wash my hands for the millionth time, good job too. I get DD from school.

I forgot to mention while all of this is going on, I have workmen in the house fitting new windows and a front door. They have been at ours since 8am Monday morning. They must think I am some loony hormonal woman with mad red eyes. I show them the kettle and tell them to help themselves. I don't have time to make myself a cup of tea these days let alone copiing with tea-thirsty workmen. And we are out of white sugar ( what was I thinking? ) so they drink builders tea with 2 spoons each of finest soft brown demerara. They don't seem to mind.

By Wednesday I feel that I am coming back to semi-normal and take Alex to his swim lesson. I manage to crack a smile for the first time in a few days, miserable so and so that I have been.  And the sun is shining which always helps to lift the spirits doesn't it?

This coming Saturday we are due to go away for the weekend and in actual fact I am dreading it. When we booked it back in January I kind of assumed the baby boy would be sleeping through the night by now and the four of us are all sharing a family room. We are going to Splash Landings Hotel at Alton Towers which normally would be great but I am now wondering how we will get any sleep......I manage to get some packing done though and feel quite prepared by Friday afternoon. All I need now is a small lorry to put everything we need in !!!! Small baby = shedloads of stuff.

I have my haircut on Friday afternoon while DD is at school. My hairdresser comes to the house as usual but Alex doesn't stop wailing the whole time she is here. We stop twice so I can pick him up and the rest of the time we just shout really loudly over him. The minute she leaves, he stops and falls asleep. Little buggar.

Well, there you go. Sorry for the 'woe is me' post, but what a rubbish week. You know me by now, I have to just tell it how it is.

So, tomorrow morning first thing we go off for our first mini-break. Wish me luck !

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