Sunday, 3 April 2011

w/e 25th March.....bye bye Noel

Noel Edmonds gets the elbow this week. Deal or No Deal is deleted from the sky+ series link. It had to be done - good weather and at least 10 episodes backed up jostling for space with about a million of DD's Barbie movies and DH's Shed channel DIY nonsense.  The Dream Factory hadn't given me the excitement of a quarter millionaire and I have been watching since hospital confinement back in November.  Useful brain-dead TV to watch in the early days of having Alex at home with me sat on the sofa constantly feeding but now we have grown apart. I am sure Noel won't miss me.

Its a gorgeous week with the sun shining and the baby boy is starting to sleep better at night so its a joy to have some longer periods of sleep. He is still in the moses basket with me and DH at night but is a fairly quiet sleeper and doesnt disturb us much at all. Problem is at 14 weeks old he has doubled his birthweight and he is getting a bit big for it. I am very reluctant to put him in his own room yet - his cot seems massive compared to the moses basket.  I am smitten by my little boy and I just want him with us a bit longer. DH is more practical and says the boy has to go in his big cot. I will try and string it out for another couple of weeks yet so long as he is not actually squishing his head and legs of course.

After the weekend away I feel a bit rested and relaxed and Monday morning yoga is lovely - Alex is smiley and gurgles on the mat and I almost manage all the postures. I whizz to Tescos after as the fridge is empty and Mum and Mike come to the rescue of the overgrown lawns. The dust is blown off the lawnmower after months of hibernation and I am surprised it doesnt break with the strain.

On Wednesday DH wakes up with the dreaded gunky eyes. He goes off to work but texts me updates throughout the day. In typical bloke fashion its VERY serious. Text: Eye verry red (he doesnt spell very well) Text: Cant see out of left eye. I text back 'Will you be okay to drive?' He texts back : Sure will be fine. Bit overdramatic then perhaps? I take Alex swimming and then I go to the docs for another BP check. I am still on the tablets after all this time but a low dose. Alex again chooses his moment to kick off in the docs and for reasons that I still do not know he wakes from his peaceful sleep and bawls and bawls in the waiting room. So of course by the time I actually see the doctor, my BP is not particularly low. 133/86 - not that bad but too high to come off the tablets. Back in 2 weeks. I check my phone - another text from DH - eyes bad, on way home.  Lord help me. Note to self, stock up on anti-bac and send DH back to the spare bed for a couple of nights.  When DH gets home his is eye is quite red to be fair but he won't go to the docs. He would actually have to be bleeding out of his eye sockets or something equally bad to actually go to the docs so instead we compromise and use the eye ointment that I was prescribed but only used for 2 days.

He is under strict orders to not touch or kiss any of us. The last thing I need is for the conjuctivitis to do the rounds in this house again.

He doesnt go back to work Thursday or Friday as the eye is very watery and obviously contagious. I am an expert in eye drop administration so I do all his drops wearing a disposable glove and triple handwashing. A little OTT but I am not taking any chances. The washing machine does overtime again with all the sheets, pillowcases and towels. The downstairs loo becomes the 'contamination room' and its for the use of DH only. DD is very amusing and knows the rules by now - no touching D-a-d-d-y (she is learning to read with phonics so every word she utters these days is spelt out loud). We are the eye gunk family she tells her nanny.   Nothing wrong with his hands though so I make sure he does a few bits around the house while he is at home.

Business as usual for me though and I go out on Thursday and Friday as planned and leave him to it. By Friday afternoon the eye drops are doing their job and his eyes are starting to calm down.

On Friday morning we have a visit from the Father at our local church and we book a date for Alex's baptism. We don't go to church on a regular basis but do at special times of year - Christmas and all the village events organised by the church - fetes, parachuting teddies, harvest festival etc. I do feel slightly guilty asking for a baptism when we are not there on a regular basis and tell him this but he is very gracious and says a baptism is a gift from God and there is not a test or a checklist to complete in order to be eligible.  Alex is very quiet and a good baby while we are talking. Father G strokes his head and blesses him before he goes.

We are indeed very blessed. Thankfully a much better week and its DH's birthday tomorrow (Saturday) so a good start to the weekend we hope. 

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