Friday 25 February 2011

I need a few extra pairs of hands

apologies for the lack of blog update for last i type in real time its coming to the end of half term and i have been learning the art of juggling with a 5 year old who never stops talking/jumping around/needing entertainment and a 9 week old baby who never stops drinking milk.

will update when i can ( if the men in white coats don't come for me first )

zzzzzzzz - i could do with a weeks sleep!!!!!

Friday 18 February 2011

Hello Smiler - w/c 5th Feb

We have a pretty quiet weekend at home except for DD has a party to go to on Sunday afternoon. It comes to something when our only outing is a prty for 5 year olds.  We did have a social life once, in the dim and distant past I think.  The problem with breast feeding is that you can't really go far from your baby in the first 2 or 3 months so going out in the evening isn't really possible at the moment. Not that I mind really - it no big deal.

Talking of breastfeeding - I love feeding my son and I did it for DD too but its really no fun in public places.  I am no earth mother and it doesn't come naturally for me to sit with my boob on show. I also find it hard to balance Alex on my arm, use my other hand to hold the flesh away from his nostrils (otherwise he would suffocate - I am no Kate Moss with bee stings for breasts) and stop the dribbles of milk pouring down his face and onto whatever top I am wearing. At home I have a big cushion that he stretches out on and lies in milk-drunken bliss slurping to his hearts content without any fuss.

Anyway at this kids birthday party the boy decides he wants to eat and theres no stopping his cries for it. Its the smallest village hall in the universe but I find a chair is a small corner on a little stage thing. The kids are watching a magic show anyway so its fairly peaceful. For 2 minutes at least. Then the magic show ends and the little stage becomes packed with kids running around like loons and jumping about. Alex is unsettled by the sudden noise and he becomes distracted, constantly losing the nipple. A charming little girl comes and pokes his head and asked what his spot is ( he has a small strawberry mark above his ear). I want to tell her to buggar off but don't dare for fear of being whacked by her parents who are probably close by. I smile at her sweetly. She won't go away - staring at him and then me & constantly firing questions like only a 5 year old can and poking at his head. Don't do that darlin I say to her, he won't like it. Why? she says. I wonder whether I can get away away with sticking my foot out as she skips off. A harmless little trip, no-one would know.   I know I know, don't phone social services I wouldn't really do it !!!!!

On Monday I make a quick trip into town for some speed-shopping at M&S. I am desperate for a few new tops. Changing rooms aren't an option with a pram really - no space.  Doesn't stop me spending £85 in 10 minutes though. I am like a kid in a sweet shop - My last visit to M&S was back in November - 3 months of abstinence has to be a record. I also make it to Boots for a few bits and a card shop to purchase Valentine Card for DH to avoid corner shop card embarrasment again. And I get home without having to face the public breastfeed. Perfect.

On Wednesday have no major plans apart from a docs appointment for both myself and Alex for the 6 week post-natal check.  I am fine - and woo hoo - my blood pressure is the lowest its been for ages so I am allowed to go from 3 tablets to 2 a day instead. The inevitable contraception discussion. Yes I know I know, we had IVF but theres still a chance, so the doc fills me in on the wonders of contraception in 2011. Not a discussion I have had to have with a doc since my 20's. Our family is definately complete and it would be ironic to fall pregnant now - just when we actually don't want to. So I listen carefully. The rest will be discussed in private with my DH, dear blog readers. And then its Alex's turn. All is not perfect actually and he doesn't get signed off yet.  He has a strawberry birthmark above his ear which will grow and get bigger but then shrink by the time he is toddling (no big deal to me). But she comments on his unevenly shaped skull. and she keeps measuring it and looking at it and says, yes definately lop-sided.  And he hasn't started social smiling yet and at 7 weeks he should be. So we have to go back in 2 weeks to be checked again.  But she says, try not to worry. Fat chance of not worrying but she says to me I have to get his head measured at baby clinic weigh in tomorrow.  So I come out of the docs feeling a bit worried and definately deflated. I spend the rest of the day staring at his head. It is a bit uneven I think. Bloody hell, its not stress free being a parent is it?

On Thursday I go to the baby group in the village at the sure-start centre. Once a month the HV is there for baby weigh in and to answer any questions. Its also a bit of a social group for mums. I hadn't been before but thought I would give it a shot as I don't really know anyone with newborns at the moment. I really like my HV, she is very good which makes a pleasant change. The one I had with my DD was awful, not helpful and very patronising.  She says whilst she notices his head isn't evenly shaped she really doesnt think its that bad and is certain that it won't give him any long term problems. She measures it and its pretty normal size - on the right percentile. She recommends I visit a cranial osteopath to see what they think. He has also reached 10lb in weight. Yay! - he can now go in his grobag at night meaning I don't have to keep faffing about with his blankets that he keeps kicking off.  If I am honest I don't really enjoy the mum and baby chit chat bit - its somehow different 2nd time around. I don't feel the need to discuss in great detail the contents of my babies nappy, sleep patterns and feeding habits. And the mums are very sweet and friendly but ever so slightly dull and boring. Sorry, thats mean but I cannot bear sitting in a circle cooing over babies that don't belong to me. I cannot bear dribble and the smell of other babies stinky nappies. I try my hardest to strike up conversation but its hard work.  I am saved by Alex crying for milk so I sit and feed him. I am the ONLY breastfeeder there but if I can't expose myself at a baby group where can I??? Theres a fab rocking chair and they give me a feeding cushion too.  I spot DD in the school playground through the window and I love watching her play - she has no clue I am there.  I make my excuses and leave to go home.

Baby massage in the afternoon which is good, better than last week and we actually manage 2 massages before tucking into tea and millionaires shortbread. Probably the most expensive baby activity I have done but it is really good. THE BEST thing about it though is that Alex gives me his first huge smile!!!!! Its a big broad smile and its is just lovely, makes all the hard work bits of being a mummy worth it. Hooray! - thats one thing the GP can tick off her list for him.  Turns out the massage teacher is a friend of a friend of mine and we have met in the past. I had an evening of beauty of home years ago and all the girls from work came around and we did facials/pedicures etc and we booked her to come and do massages for each of us. Small world.

DH is now allowed 2 free passes to the spare bed each week now.  He isn't allowed to cash them in at the weekend but he gets 2 undisturbed nights during the week.  I am suprised he didn't try to negotiate for 3 nights, thats what I would have done.  Saves the grumpy exchange in the mornings if he feels he hasn't slept well (yeah right) like the other Sunday so we are both happy.

And I end the week with a quiet Friday really. I am a dab hand at the school run now, usually managing to be showered, hairwashed and blowdried now - and get me - sometimes a bit of mascara and lipgloss too. I am glamour mum (in my dreams).  I go to visit 'Jurassic Park' at DD's school at 2.45. DH meets me there and we view all the dinosaurs made by the kids at home ( no help from parents of course). I was worried that hers would be too professional as DH spent far much time 'helping' but my fears were unfounded. 90% of them looked far too good for the kids to have made alone thats for sure. One of them was even made from metal, painted and welded and bolted together for Gods sake! Then all the kids sang some songs for us which I have to admit brought a lump to my throat. My little girl is growing up so quickly. She was so proud of herself for singing all the words and getting a big round of applause from the parents.

So I have a fab 5 year old girlie growing up fast and a very cute baby boy with a wonky head. Better book that cranial osteopath.....

Another week gone already..........

Friday 11 February 2011

Here comes february.........

I have 3 followers on this blog. That is poor by anyones standards.  And I know 2 of you live in the same household. I know from emails that lots of you are reading again now. Come on, its lonely sometimes in mummyland so add yourself on, only I know who is a follower so you you don't have to let anyone else know you are a sad blog reader. Not half as bad as being as sad blog writer I promise.

On Sunday 30th Jan we go down my mums for Christmas lunch.but we have leg of lamb instead.  Believe it or not I haven't been to my mums house since November even though she only lives down the road. Its just that since getting home I haven't had the chance to get down there - my weeks have been quite busy and half the time its been pissing with rain or freezing cold so I have done the school run and scurried home.   Anyway we eat a 3 course lunch and I drink 2 glasses of wine....small ones admittedly but I havent had any of the old vino for months.....lovely.  No Christmas pudding either but a lovely homemade trifle instead.  Alex is totally unaware that he is at Nanny and Grandads house and spends the entire time in his pram asleep.  I warn DH not to guzzle too much alcohol and then spend the afternoon snoring on the sofa. He does have a few drinks but manages to stay awake.....

On the 1st Feb its our Wedding Anniversary - 9 years ago today. Having baby brain I hadn't actually remembered about getting a card until yesterday so I had to get Londis's finest offering and a small box of choc to keep him happy.  As I am taking the two kids to a friends after school today DH is tasked with collecting a Tescos Finest dinner for 2 on his way home from work. We know how to live life in the fast lane in this house. He comes up trumps with the meal and a nice card but is sorry to tell me Tesco's don't do flowers anymore so I will have to go without. Who says romance isn't dead eh?  I can't help but point out that the flower section is near the fruit and veg where it has been for about the last 20 years but never mind the food is more important. And of course the only place that sells flowers is of course Tescos? (Hmmm) I don't feel quite so bad about my hastily purchased crappy corner shop card now.  All that said though we have quite a relaxed evening, DD is sparko by 7.30pm as usual and Alex behaves himself too.

On the 2nd Feb the doorbell goes at lunchtime. I open the door and DH is standing there with a very respectable flower bouquet !!!! Turns out they do sell flowers in places called flower shops very close to where he works.  He is forgiven ( not that I was holding it against him anyway ) but nothing wrong with laying on a bit of guilt to prompt him to redeem himself. He spent his lunchbreak getting the flowers and driving home to give them to me and then get back to work within an hour. I am impressed.

The sleep deprivation isn't too bad. I am making sure I get a quick nap on the sofa when Alex sleeps. Its not possible every day but it definately helps recharge my batteries.  When DD was a baby I spent all my time when she was asleep trying to tidy up and cook meals, load the washing machine etc etc. I was exhausted and as a result didn't always enjoy her baby days that much if I am honest. Now I am listening to what everyone tells you to do - sleep when the baby sleeps. My house hasn't fallen down and the world hasn't ended because I don't have an empty washing basket. And yes there might be cheerios all over the dining room carpet but it saves feeding the cat.  I have learnt to not stress too much about making my days 'exciting ' by doing lots of baby activities and getting out lots either. I am quite happy to sit feeding and cuddling my boy for hours, so long as I  have the sky+ controller in my hand.  I am still addicted to Deal or no Deal (someone told me last week that Noel and Alex share their birthday) and am loving Big Fat Gypsy Weddings and Embarrassing Bodies. I cannot stand Wanted Down Under - makes me want want to punch the TV - or other crap daytime monstrosities like Bargain Hunt etc.  This makes me sound like a total slob actually but my maternity leave will be over before I know it and I'll be back at work. There has to be some reward for being up several times in the night......

I nearly wear myself out though on Thursday as I have two outings in one day. No lazing about for me today.  I go to see my Eye Consultant in the morning. Just a check up really as haven't been for a few weeks. Its a bit of a mission to get there with me showered and Alex changed and fed. Parking is a nightmare but I get to the clinic for about 10am and I am seen straight away. She is very pleased to meet Alex at last - of course she had seen me a lot during my hospital stay when he was a bump. One of the nurses comes in too that I know quite well and she says how are you doing them and points at my bump. But the bump is gone so |I point at the car seat and she shouts out at the realisation that he has finally arrived ( have had many visits to the eye clinic and eye casualty in early pregnancy - another story) and she looked after me quite a lot then.  He gets a lot of fuss anyway. My eyes are okay for now even though my vision is not perfect the Consultant reckons they will settle down when my hormones do, after I stop breastfeeding. Anyway I can read the charts no problem so no worries for now.  I go out to the carpark and I can see my old bedroom window over the wall in Robert Watson Ward. Glad to be this side of the wall now but I do crane my neck to see if I can see any midwives I know through the windows. 

In the afternoon I go to baby massage again. Its very relaxing although Alex is a bit unsettled cos he hasn't had a poo for 3 days and he is suffering I think. Sorry TMI, but baby constipation is no fun because sooner or later its got to come out somehow. More on this later.  The teacher is lovely but has some funny ideas. Such as asking the babys permission to start the massage. And saying thank you to the baby when the massage is done. Surely he should be saying thank you to me? If he could speak that is. Then she puts the kettle on. Cake this week is Victoria Sandwich - yum.

On Friday evening we are hit by the poo explosion. I am changing him and then his face goes bright red and the nappy is full. No problem, I clean him up then look away to get a new nappy for a millisecond. Then I hear what I can only describe what sounds like a giant whoopie cushion and the biggest projectile poo comes shooting out and hits the wall and is dripping everywhere. It doesnt stop and its shooting over and beyond the new nappy, all up my arms, everywhere. I NEED HELP I shout....   DH and DD are in the bathroom as its her bedtime so they come running in.  'Mummy thats disgusting' she says. She's not wrong.  Another week as a slummy mummy done, roll on the weekend.

See you next week

Saturday 5 February 2011

Another new week.......

This week I settle into a bit of a routine with Alex and the flow of visitors slows to a trickle.  I don't want to do it but feel its time to take down all the baby boy cards and put them away. There are so many, and friends have been so generous with gifts.

As I feel a bit more normal I start to look into a few mum and baby activities for us to do while DD is at school and I sign up for Baby Massage classes starting this Thursday. Too soon for swimming as he is a bit little but plan to start this in March.

The night times don't change much but I am starting to feel the effects of 5 weeks of disrupted sleep. When he is feeding at night I become a bit obsessed with counting how many chunks of sleep I have had - 3 hours + 2 hours + 1.5 hours = 6.5 hours etc etc. I try not to but I can't help it. Sometimes I am out of bed just for 30 mins, other times its 2 hours depending on how much milk he wants and how quickly he settles back in his moses basket.  As I feed him in very quietly in the semi-darkness I can't read, play on the DS or do anything to occupy my mind at all. If only I could blog with my head and transmit the words through space to my computer. That would save me some time.   I am rewarded though with a very cute boy sleeping on my shoulder as I wind him and sometimes a very milky burp in the face. Or cheesy baby sick over me if he has overindulged.

DH has been having the occasional sleep in the spare room on weekdays just so that he is not disturbed and can function at work. But on Saturday night he says he will sleep in the spare room again so that he can 'get a lie in in the morning as he has no chance to do so in the week'   I don't appreciate this at all and tell him I think its a bit selfish. For f**ks sake !!!! A lie in- I would be happy with 4 consecutive hours. I go to bed feeling slightly annoyed but fall asleep before I have chance to dwell on it. Anyway, I have a terrible night with Alex, he has a slight cold and snuffles like a pig all night and as well as feeding him every 3 hours, he is awake from 5am and I just hold him upright as he can't breath properly lying down. I am sat in the nursery at 7am feeding him and DH pops in with a breezy 'did you have a good night then???'   I am feeling tearful and bloody tired. I want to bash DH over the head with a very heavy object.  I don't though and just shut the door and tell him to go away before I say something I regret - I tell him I feel like I am doing a lot of things on my own.   The reality of it is actually, he does more than pull his weight around the house but yesterday he and DD went swimming ( gone 3 hours) and also spent 2 hours on his own making a model dinosaur (don't ask) so I did a lot on my own and for Alex but got no break even to have a shower in peace.  Anyway, like most things, we sort it out quickly without argument and he is great all day Sunday, taking Alex from me and allowing me an afternoon sleep and time with DD.   I love my little boy more than I ever thought possible but I do miss time with my little girl too and I am slowly learning to juggle time being a parent of two........

On Thursday I do the baby massage class. Its quite good actually, Very chilled out - we only do 1 massage for about 15 minutes and spend the other 1 hour 45 minutes chatting, feeding, changing nappies and finally eating chocolate cake and drinking tea.  Thats my kind of baby activity.  Back again next week. Alex likes it anyway and he sleeps for ages when we get home. I am £65 lighter though for a 5 week course so hopefully I will learn more than how to eat cake and drink tea. I'm quite good at that already.

On Friday I visit my lovely colleagues at the office. Its very very busy and I wonder how I ever had enough of a brain to do my job properly......the last time I was there was on the 18th November. Of course I never went back and started my maternity leave 3 weeks early as I was admitted to hospital that night.  Its pudding club time at 2pm and I turn up in time to eat a plate of delish lemon tart. Last year we did the great british bake off and everyone took a turn at baking a cake for each Friday. Sounds a bit wierd - you have to be there, we like to amuse ourselves at work with some bizarre things.   Everyone makes a big fuss of Alex and of course he gets passed around for cuddles. Its great to see everyone. I only stay an hour though as it is so busy and I know whats its like when you have work to do. 

I cannot believe its almost the last week of January - where did that month go????

Wednesday 2 February 2011

And then there were two.......

Monday 17th January - DH goes back to work.......Where did that month go? When he broke up on the 16th December it seemed like he would have an eternity off work, but it flew by.

Since DD went back to school we have been doing the school run together to get me used to it. Sounds a bit pathetic as I write now, but it was a scary thought back then getting out of the house with a baby, a 5 year old who still won't dress herself and me after a night shift in the milk factory. Fortunately I dont have to do it every day, as she goes to breakfast club some days and DH will drop her off at 8am on the way to work and my mum will still collect her 2 afternoons a week. No point stopping this as when I go back to work later in the year she will be too used to me doing the school run there and back everyday. Plus she loves going to her Nannys house and going to breakfast club etc.

Getting to and from school has been fine for the last couple of weeks (with DH) - somedays easier than others. Some days I have managed a shower and hairwash before leaving the house, other days its been a case of throw my clothes on and have a quick bowl of cereal. All depends on what the state of play with Alex is really - have I just fed him, or if he's due a feed do I chance chucking him in the pram and hope he sleeps rather than cries.  Thankfully its winter and I have a big chunky coat with a hood to cover up dodgy bed hair if needed. DH makes sure she has a packed lunch made and that she is dressed/teeth cleaned/hair brushed etc.

Anyway as its Monday, I am collecting rather than dropping off and its not bad at all. In fact I overcompensate for having a baby and arrive 10 mins early Everyone coo's over Alex - he is very cute after all.. Its nice walking to collect her pushing the pram and DD is good and holds onto the pram like a good girl. Being a bit of free spirit, DD has a tendency to charge off and not necessarily listen when we say stop so I am pleasantly suprised.

I barely have time to miss DH this week really as I still have visitors coming and my mum pops up each day and begins the 'post paternity leave clean up'. The house is a bit grimy in places to be fair but we havent really minded but a proper clean is long overdue. I am still not meant to be doing heavy stuff like vacuuming, loading the washing machine etc - shame.

The health visitors assistant pops by on the Tuesday to weigh Alex.she is happy with him and he weighs now 8lb, 1oz and is on a high percentile which we are both happy with. Friends come after school so all the kids can play so the house is very moisy and pretty much a bombsite by the time DH gets home.

Wednesday 19th January.........Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me.........Oh yes its the big 40 today. I have officially entered my 4th decade with leaky boobs and an inability to drink more than 1 glass of wine without feeling tipsy.  DH and DD spoil me before going to work/school and I get lovely cards and pressies. I open some other cards but then they run ouut of time and have to go. There are sparkly number 40's all over the floor - they keep falling out of pressies sent by Dad and WSM.  Its funny that so many of my pressies have hearts on then.......necklaces and a brooch, a dangly heart candle thingy, a crystal sparkly heart pendant from many lovely things.  

I go to the village pub with Mum and Mike at lunchtime to eat, Alex obviously comes too but he just sleeps on in his pram. I have half a shandy - woo hoo.  After school Mum brings Emma and we open more pressies and then DH gets home at 4.30pm - he worked through his lunch. A lovely friend from the next village brings me a big bunch of roses which is nice.  The aim is to get the children into bed so we can have a nice meal but although DD goes to bed and sleeps, Alex has an unsettled evening so I am up and down the stairs, eating when I can and I have just one glass off sparkly pink stuff.  Shouldn't be having anymore than that anyway otherwise my milk will be too boozy for the little boy.

So its not a massive birthday celebration but considering Alex was only due to be born 5 days ago on the 14th and he is actually now 4 weeks old I am in a lot better shape than I expected. And this is a year of being 40 so have lots of good stuff planned over the next few months when he is a little less dependant on me ( and I am in a position to drink lots of wine!!!)

On Thursday I do the morning school run and its a bit stressful but we make there okay and on time without any tears......

I go to the docs again and I know I have been thinking about it too much even though my home readings haven't been bad at all - in the 80's which is good. One night in the week I was sat thinking at about 3am feeding Alex and I started stressing about the possibility of a 24 hour blood pressure monitoring as the doc had mentioned. Jesus, what does that mean??? A trip back to hospital so they they attatch me to one of those auatomatic monitor things. Oh God, what if I can't take Alex with me??? Amazing how you can drive yourself mad with worry in the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep.

Anyway so I sit in the docs again thinking about what the reading will be. Unsuprisingly its through the roof and the Doc wont even tell me what the reading is.....he is happy to disregard it though and goes with my home monitor readings though which are in the low 80's mainly so he is fine with that. He knows I make my own pressure higher by the power of thought.  I tentatively ask him whether he will send me for 24 hour monitoring and what does it involve and I really dont want to go back to hospital.  He looks at me like I am slightly insane and says we absolutely wouldn't send you back to hospital - we just put a machine on your arm and you go about your normal business, simple. Oh how daft I am to have worried. I need to listen to my own beliefs of sending away those negative thoughts, they don't do anybody any favours, myself included.  I am allowed to have a week off and go back approx 2 weeks later to be checked but stay on the meds as normal until then. Back in 2005 it took me 4 months for my BP to get back to normal - he checked my medical record so looks like it may be similar this time.  Phew...........

So I end the week quite happy and survived quite easily without DH, even though I have missed having him around it hasn't been bad at all.

See you next week xxx