Tuesday, 19 April 2011

And so here the story ends..........

 I think my blogging days are coming to a close. As I type its the 19th of April and I am more than halfway through the Easter school holidays....and guess what? I am loving it!  The sun is shining, I am getting as close to normal a nights sleep as is possible with a baby and a 5 year old, we are having fun and my daughter is loving her little brother so much.  We do have our moments of course, life isn't perfect, time is in short supply and my to do list gets longer rather than shorter but hey ho thats just the way it is.

When I was in hospital my blog is what kept me going each day, I had time to kill and it seems that it kept people entertained too. But the biggest attraction of reading it I think was that everyone wanted to know what happened in the end. But this blog of course is more of a diary for me and as Alex turns 4 months old this Friday (where the hell did that time go?) it has served as a great record of events for his first few weeks of life for us to look back on in years to come. 

A few weeks ago I got a lovely message from someone via an online message board that I go on sometimes. It was from a lady who was stuck in hospital with exactly the same condition that I had - same hospital, same consultant, same fertility treatment even. She was on Robert Watson Ward too - had been there a month with still 2 more weeks to go until her planned C-Section.  I was amazed that she found me but she told me that Paula and Helen had given her the link to my blog and suggested she read it to help her through her long hospital stay. How lovely that those two midwives still remember me and are telling people to read the blog to help them too.  Brought a lump to my throat it did. I messaged her back and wished her well. Fingers crossed all went well for her and she is now at home with her precious baby.

DH had his birthday and that night the clocks went forward. That was breakthrough week for Alex sleeping. For some reason the clocks changing coincided with him just waking once a night and he has been doing ever since. I know some babies sleep through the night from much earlier than him but I am really pleased with that. He is asleep by 7pm and goes through til at least 6am with just one feed a night now.  I feel like a new woman!!!! And sometimes my body clock is waking me up before he does, and I no longer have to be in bed by 9pm. Mind you I still never see past 10pm, that would be far too daring........

We have had some stressful times with 'battle of the bottle'. We had tried everything, spent a fortune on 3 different types of bottle, 3 brands of formula, me leaving the house while DH tried to get him down him, you name it we have tried it.  The baby boy just loves his boob too much.  I was on the verge of giving up trying and resigned myself to breastfeeding forever but spurred on by the thought of having to cancel my girlie weekend in May I went on boob strike just last weekend. I expressed milk at every feed and despite him fighting the bottle for most of the Saturday, hunger kicked in and he started to take the bottle late afternoon. I carried on all day Sunday and he took it without fuss.  Expressing every feed is such a faff though and it was okay while DH was home but yesterday with DD and Alex to look after on my own I thought sod this and cracked open the formula again. He still guzzled it down and this time didn't gag and spit it back out at me like I was giving him poison like he had before.  So hopefully I have cracked it this time. I am feeding him by boob in the morning, at bedtime and in the night but bottle feeding in the daytime.  Thank God, my nipples couldn't have taken much more constant pumping. For those of you who have never experienced an electric breast pump, just try putting the most tender part of your body in the hose of your Dyson vacuum cleaner and switch on. Grit your teeth for about 25 minutes and you'll get the idea.

I am still on the blood pressure tablets. Its not far off normal now but the doc is weaning me off them slowly.......all of that stress in my first couple of weeks after leaving hospital seems a distant memory, with my BP through the roof.

Alex has had his last lot of jabs today - no more until he is one year old now. And he went in his own big cot on Tuesday 5th April . In his room all on his own - I did feel quite emotional about it at first as it was strange not seeing him in with us but he really was too big for his moses basket and we are all sleeping much better now.

And he is such a delight to have. He chats and gurgles gibberish at us all the time (where does he get that from??) Last week he learned to giggle and laugh - its so funny to watch him. He can't turn over yet but he is very good at bum shuffling along on his play mat, the time is whizzing by so quickly we will be watching him crawl before we know it. I never thought I could love another child so much but all my friends were right - you just find as much love to give to a second child as you do with your first.  I couldn't ask for much more really.

When DD was about 3 I used to take her to this yoga class for kids which in total honesty was a bit of a disaster as she didn't take to it but anyway there was another mum there who I used to chat to. One day we were talking and she shared with me that when she put her daughter to bed at night they used to tell each other 3 things that had happened that day that they were grateful for and gave thanks for. They did it every single day and it ended the day on a positive note even if the day hadn't been great.  I thought that was a brilliant idea and I started doing it too. We don't do it every day but we do at least 3 times a week. DD often says to me 'mummy we haven't done the gratefuls!'  Its really simple stuff like 'I am grateful having a lovely time with our friends' or 'for having a lovely lunch' or 'getting a smile from Alex'  Sounds cheesy but if you feel like you have had a crap day and feel shattered it makes you pick out all the good stuff from your day.  Sending a bit of gratitude out into the world can only be a positive thing in this day and age of moaning and whinging. ( I am not exempt either, I am very capable of a whinge when things aren't going my way sometimes)

So anyway, try it yourself, you never know you might like it........

Time to sign off now.  I know I have a lot to be thankful for and I think myself lucky everyday.  I am sending out a bit of love to some of my family and friends who have had a really terrible year for various reasons. You know who you are.

This time last year we were a family of three and just getting towards the end of the IVF cycle that created Alexander. On Saturday this week on the 23rd of April it will exactly a year ago that he was conceived. An embryologist performed a miracle for us that day and hand picked out the bit of me and the bit of DH that would ultimately create our baby boy. How amazing is that?  And if you had told me then what the following 12 months would have in store for us I really wouldn't have believed it. Its been a bumpy ride.

So thats me done, bye for now.............thanks for reading.

Love Helen xxxxxx

Sunday, 3 April 2011

w/e 25th March.....bye bye Noel

Noel Edmonds gets the elbow this week. Deal or No Deal is deleted from the sky+ series link. It had to be done - good weather and at least 10 episodes backed up jostling for space with about a million of DD's Barbie movies and DH's Shed channel DIY nonsense.  The Dream Factory hadn't given me the excitement of a quarter millionaire and I have been watching since hospital confinement back in November.  Useful brain-dead TV to watch in the early days of having Alex at home with me sat on the sofa constantly feeding but now we have grown apart. I am sure Noel won't miss me.

Its a gorgeous week with the sun shining and the baby boy is starting to sleep better at night so its a joy to have some longer periods of sleep. He is still in the moses basket with me and DH at night but is a fairly quiet sleeper and doesnt disturb us much at all. Problem is at 14 weeks old he has doubled his birthweight and he is getting a bit big for it. I am very reluctant to put him in his own room yet - his cot seems massive compared to the moses basket.  I am smitten by my little boy and I just want him with us a bit longer. DH is more practical and says the boy has to go in his big cot. I will try and string it out for another couple of weeks yet so long as he is not actually squishing his head and legs of course.

After the weekend away I feel a bit rested and relaxed and Monday morning yoga is lovely - Alex is smiley and gurgles on the mat and I almost manage all the postures. I whizz to Tescos after as the fridge is empty and Mum and Mike come to the rescue of the overgrown lawns. The dust is blown off the lawnmower after months of hibernation and I am surprised it doesnt break with the strain.

On Wednesday DH wakes up with the dreaded gunky eyes. He goes off to work but texts me updates throughout the day. In typical bloke fashion its VERY serious. Text: Eye verry red (he doesnt spell very well) Text: Cant see out of left eye. I text back 'Will you be okay to drive?' He texts back : Sure will be fine. Bit overdramatic then perhaps? I take Alex swimming and then I go to the docs for another BP check. I am still on the tablets after all this time but a low dose. Alex again chooses his moment to kick off in the docs and for reasons that I still do not know he wakes from his peaceful sleep and bawls and bawls in the waiting room. So of course by the time I actually see the doctor, my BP is not particularly low. 133/86 - not that bad but too high to come off the tablets. Back in 2 weeks. I check my phone - another text from DH - eyes bad, on way home.  Lord help me. Note to self, stock up on anti-bac and send DH back to the spare bed for a couple of nights.  When DH gets home his is eye is quite red to be fair but he won't go to the docs. He would actually have to be bleeding out of his eye sockets or something equally bad to actually go to the docs so instead we compromise and use the eye ointment that I was prescribed but only used for 2 days.

He is under strict orders to not touch or kiss any of us. The last thing I need is for the conjuctivitis to do the rounds in this house again.

He doesnt go back to work Thursday or Friday as the eye is very watery and obviously contagious. I am an expert in eye drop administration so I do all his drops wearing a disposable glove and triple handwashing. A little OTT but I am not taking any chances. The washing machine does overtime again with all the sheets, pillowcases and towels. The downstairs loo becomes the 'contamination room' and its for the use of DH only. DD is very amusing and knows the rules by now - no touching D-a-d-d-y (she is learning to read with phonics so every word she utters these days is spelt out loud). We are the eye gunk family she tells her nanny.   Nothing wrong with his hands though so I make sure he does a few bits around the house while he is at home.

Business as usual for me though and I go out on Thursday and Friday as planned and leave him to it. By Friday afternoon the eye drops are doing their job and his eyes are starting to calm down.

On Friday morning we have a visit from the Father at our local church and we book a date for Alex's baptism. We don't go to church on a regular basis but do at special times of year - Christmas and all the village events organised by the church - fetes, parachuting teddies, harvest festival etc. I do feel slightly guilty asking for a baptism when we are not there on a regular basis and tell him this but he is very gracious and says a baptism is a gift from God and there is not a test or a checklist to complete in order to be eligible.  Alex is very quiet and a good baby while we are talking. Father G strokes his head and blesses him before he goes.

We are indeed very blessed. Thankfully a much better week and its DH's birthday tomorrow (Saturday) so a good start to the weekend we hope. 

Friday, 1 April 2011

19/20 March - our first trip away with Baby Boy

Well we all wake up in good spirits on Saturday morning......mini break time - yay!   DD loves a mini break and is excited we are going on our holidays  (even if only for one night). Suprisingly everything fits in the boot of my not-that-big car and we have a fairly uneventful one and three quarter hour journey arriving at about 10.30am.  I used to go to Alton towers when I was a kid mainly because it wasn't very far from where I grew up. I have fond memories of school trips there too and riding the corkscrew rollercoaster which back in the 80's was the only upside down rollercoaster in the UK I think. I don't think we will be doing many white knuckle rides with a baby and a 5 year old - its the waterpark we are going for.   The splash landings hotel is the sort of place I would have hated to go as a couple but with kids its just brilliant. You actually do feel like you are on holiday there - lots of brightly coloured displays (whats that giant deckchair all about?) , kids stuff to do, music and great service. We book a table for 6.30pm for dinner in the buffet -  it'll be like all inclusive Antigua all over again except without the rum punch - bring on the bloated belly feeling !!!

  Anyway we go to the pool first as we can't get into our room until after 3pm.  DD is very excited but we are in the first aid office before she is barely wet as she cuts her foot on a sharp bit of pool edge. Its not serious but she likes to be a drama queen and takes some persuading to get back in the water despite having a big waterproof dressing on it.  I sit and chill out with Alex in the buggy - he is sparko.Then me and DH take it in turns to go off with DD and then I take him in too. We get lots of oohs and aahs - he is cute in his baby wetsuit.

Afterwards we check into our room ( after riding the lifts with the music from captain pugwash which we didn't stop dancing to all weekend). Its smallish but fine and DD is on top of her bunk bed to try it out in seconds. Still I am wondering how much sleep I will get but hey its only one night. We go out and have an explore around the hotel and end up having a cheeky drink in the bar before we eat. There is a steel band and loads to keep DD busy so its really relaxing. We eat far too much at dinner (has to be done) and I have to restrain myself from actually tipping my head and drinking straight from the chocolate fountain. I did perhaps eat at least 5 too many marshmallows dipped in choc and left the table feeling far too full and ever so slightly sick. I am impressed with the quality of the food. What is it about buffets that makes you pile your plate with the oddest combination 'just to have a taste'?  Or is just me praps? No I know I am not alone.  We go and have a nosy at the other hotel next door which is a bit posher than splash landings - its lovely. DD loves the lift there too, its got spooky music in it and the enchanted garden restaurant has a big talking tree at the entrance. Sounds really tacky but its so well done you can't help but smile at it.

By 8.30pm Alex is getting cranky and DD is tired so we go back to our room.  I am amazed that DD falls asleep within 10 minutes of getting into bed. By 9pm Alex is fed and in his moses basket sparko and DH is snoring next to me. Eh? must be 3 hours of swimming I think. Alex wakes for 20 mins at 3am to feed so I have had 6 hours sleep  on the trot - the most in 12 weeks. And then as Alex doesnt wake until 7am and DD not until 7.45 ( that never happens) it is officially the best nights sleep in a long time. Perfect.

After a huge breakfast we check out and go to the pool again until early afternoon, before setting off home. We all feel sad to leave (including me who was doom and gloom about it last week) but we have survived our first family trip away with Alex. Bring on June and Center Parcs................can't wait.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

w/e 18th march..... A totally s**t week

Well the title says it all really. On Saturday Alex's eye is still gunking but theres no sign of it in mine yet. I take DD to a birthday party just up the road and its every parents joy - 'drop off and leave'. Yay, several 5 year olds left to create mayhem and mess in someone elses house. And I am knackered having had a very poor nights sleep the night before. So I actually doze sitting upright on the sofa with Alex on my lap, DH on the other sofa flicking the paper. I go and collect her a couple of hours later and she has had a fab time. She also looks very cute as it was a girls only princess party and she has on lipstick, nailvarnish, hair all curled and a fake heart tattoo.

By the evening my eyes feel a bit sticky, I try to ignore it and we all go to bed. Terrible nights sleep - I wake about midnight and one of my eyes is gunked shut. Lovely.  So I creep out of bed, get cotton wool to cleanse them, double wash my hands and antibac before getting back in bed just as he wakes for his first feed. This process is repeated 3 times through the night and by the morning one eyelid is so swollen its half open.  Now I realise this is only conjuctivitis and not the end of the world but on top of the eye problems I already have its not good at all.  I can't touch DD or DH for fear of infecting them and Alex only has it mildly so I try to handle him as little as possible (nearly impossible!) All the towels, bedding etc gets washed. We are due to visit friends for lunch today but we have to cancel.

I worry about stuff to do with my eyes and after trying to have a sensible conversation with myself to pull myself together I decide to ring eye casualty at Northampton General to see what they advise. Given my previous history they want to have a look at me rather than me just buying some eye drops over the counter.  We drop DD off at my mums and DH takes me and Alex there (can't go without him incase he needs feeding of course) Thankfully its not too busy and I get seen within the hour. They take some swabs and check eye pressure etc and I get given a prescription for some eye ointment. I am reassured that I can continue to use my steroid eye drops too, they won't affect the conjunctivitis.  Sorted...........

After another hideous night of eye wiping/handwashing/baby feeding etc I feed knackered on Monday morning and my eyes look really red - and the lids are bright red too now. If I had white hair I would be an albino I swear.  I wear my sunglasses to do the school run and thankfully as it is actually sunny I don't look too much of an idiot. By late afternoon its apparent that I am allergic to the bloody drops as when DH gets in from work he does a double take. Looked like I have actually been burned around the eyes. I stop the drops - just hope 2 days of drops will be enough to get rid of the gunk and I just use cotton wool pads and cool water instead.  That evening I go to my friends house for a meal and its a nice diversion although they all think my eyes look terrible its good to have a catch up and would you believe my first evening out since having the baby boy.

By Tuesday morning my eyelids look less red and puffy but the eyeballs themselves look like one of those comedy bloodshot halloween eyeballs. I feel wrecked and ever so slightly tearful. When I get my morning text from mum saying 'R U OK?' I well up. NO I AM NOT.......I don't text back.   She phones me late morning after work and I have a good cry down the phone. 3 nights of crap sleep and dodgy eyes sends me over the edge. So after lunch I go down to her house and I lie on the sofa while she looks after baby boy. I feel better for having just an hours break. She antibacs the sink after I wash my hands for the millionth time, good job too. I get DD from school.

I forgot to mention while all of this is going on, I have workmen in the house fitting new windows and a front door. They have been at ours since 8am Monday morning. They must think I am some loony hormonal woman with mad red eyes. I show them the kettle and tell them to help themselves. I don't have time to make myself a cup of tea these days let alone copiing with tea-thirsty workmen. And we are out of white sugar ( what was I thinking? ) so they drink builders tea with 2 spoons each of finest soft brown demerara. They don't seem to mind.

By Wednesday I feel that I am coming back to semi-normal and take Alex to his swim lesson. I manage to crack a smile for the first time in a few days, miserable so and so that I have been.  And the sun is shining which always helps to lift the spirits doesn't it?

This coming Saturday we are due to go away for the weekend and in actual fact I am dreading it. When we booked it back in January I kind of assumed the baby boy would be sleeping through the night by now and the four of us are all sharing a family room. We are going to Splash Landings Hotel at Alton Towers which normally would be great but I am now wondering how we will get any sleep......I manage to get some packing done though and feel quite prepared by Friday afternoon. All I need now is a small lorry to put everything we need in !!!! Small baby = shedloads of stuff.

I have my haircut on Friday afternoon while DD is at school. My hairdresser comes to the house as usual but Alex doesn't stop wailing the whole time she is here. We stop twice so I can pick him up and the rest of the time we just shout really loudly over him. The minute she leaves, he stops and falls asleep. Little buggar.

Well, there you go. Sorry for the 'woe is me' post, but what a rubbish week. You know me by now, I have to just tell it how it is.

So, tomorrow morning first thing we go off for our first mini-break. Wish me luck !

Sunday, 27 March 2011

sorry blog-readers

I have to apologise for the very delayed blog..........blame some lovely sunny weather ( I have been out too much ), a weekend away (more on this later) and a pile of ironing as tall as everest which I can no longer ignore..the ironing has to be tackled before we run out of clothes and the pile starts to spill out of my front door.

So I will update as soon as I can

Sunday, 20 March 2011

w/e 11th March.......my little turtle

As I type I am pleased to report that DH hasn't actually cashed in any of his spare bed tokens for the last 3 weeks . You might remember that he is allowed 2 nights in the spare room. Well that just shows that Alex is improving at night even though I am actually starting to feel more tired. I think I am feeling it as its been about 11 weeks since I had a decent nights sleep and its taking its toll a bit. The downside is that I have to put up with 2 males in our bedroom 7 nights a week and all the burping and farting that comes with it. Think I might go and sleep with DD and leave them to it. Sadly I cannot do this as DH hasn't got the tools needed to feed the baby boy. 

I have now tried a couple of times to bottle feed Alex with both formula and expressed breast milk but he is not co-operating with me at all. He wails and wails. I am feeling that I need a break from the constant boob feeding and it would be good to spend some time with DD on my own and leave him with DH. I will have to persist with this - it is quite different for a baby to feed from a bottle after being just breast fed for so long so a bit of re-training is needed......

The weekend passes by and me & DH are learning that there is not much rest to be had at the moment apart from in the evening when we make sure that both of them are in their beds by 7pm.  At least then we get to eat a meal together and have some time in the evening without the little polluters (anyone watch 'The Wright Stuff' - channel 5 ?, very funny) needing our attention. Its not that we don't enjoy family time - of course we do but its taking a while for us to adjust to being a family of four instead of three, with a whole different set of needs.

Monday I started mum and baby yoga at quite a posh yoga studio near where we live. Such a lovely place, it would have been relaxing if it had been mum yoga rather than mum and baby yoga. Alex was a bit unsettled for the first half an hour but then settled down. I managed a few postures though. Nothing like a downward dog to crack a bit of tension out of your back and shoulders. Its an 8 week course so I am looking forward to next weeks session already.

Tuesday its time for another cranial osteopathy session for Alex.  The horse whisperer lady calms the baby boy again and he gurgles through the session quite happily while she is seemingly stroking his head. £30 lighter this time but she says he wont need to come again for about 2 months.  I think the treatment does affect him though as he cries and cries all afternoon. And as we are at a friends again as its Tuesday we all hear him. We are in serious need of ear plugs. BUT he has obviously worn himself out cos he goes to bed as usual at 6.30pm, is sparko by 6.45 and he doesn't wake until 2am.....woooo hoooooo. When I wake up to feed him I feel like I have had a full nights sleep (almost 5 hours as I was in bed at 9pm) After his milk he then goes until 6.30am........amazing.

And he does the same again on Wednesday night.  This might be to do with me wearing him out at his first swimming lesson - little turtles. This is just my highlight of the week, its only 30 minutes but he loves it. I took DD when she was only about 3 months old too and it was by far the best activity I did with her.  He wears the smallest cutest wetsuit you have ever seen and he smiles at me in the water. He does his first underwater swim too and isn't bothered by it at all, just c omes up with a suprised look on his face. DH comes in his lunch break to watch. Just before we go in the water he chooses to do a huge poo in his nappy (Alex not DH) Thank God he didn't do it in the water.

Thursday is pretty busy for me. He weighs in at the baby clinic at 11lb, 13oz, so almost 2lb in 4 weeks which isn't bad. I don't stay though afterwards as I am going to a friends house but I do feel slightly guilty and unsociable. Now I know I said that the village baby group was a bit dull and not for me but I think Alex is going to need some little friends as he gets bigger. I haven't got the network of new friends from NCT classes etc this time with babies. So next time I will stay and make the effort I have decided. I then go to my friends house for a couple of hours before going on to meet my new friend J ( mother of DD's future husband) for a long walk with the babes in prams. I definitely need the exercise but after the walk we go for lattes and scones with jam and butter so more than cancel out the calories burnt off walking. Never mind we tell ourselves - still breast feeding so we need the extra calories. Hmmm. Get home at 4pm, feed the boy and chuck something together for tea when DD and DH get back.

Its been a really good week, a bit more sleep for me and some interesting new things to do with Alex. DD has been really good and loving school. (and I have discovered the blogs spell checker - 50+ posts later and I finally find it)

Friday comes around again and I just pop into town to get some bits.  When I get Alex out of his car seat he has been asleep but I notice rather a lot of yellowish gunk stuck to his eyelashes and some on his cheek. Oh shit..conjunctivitis. And of course I have been all over him, touching his face, hands and feeding him.

Watch this space.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

w/e 4th March....eye see trouble.........

Still one more holiday day to go this week as Monday is an INSET day.What does Inset mean anyway?  I have to be honest that I will find it much easier when DD is back at school. She is full on and wants to be doing something every minute of the day.  

Theres a woman who lives down the road from us and she has 4 children and is about to have another. I wonder what half term was like in her house. I see her every day and she moves like she is on autopilot. How the hell she gets out of her house each morning with everyone dressed I do not know. Two of them are at school, one at pre-school and another in a pushchair probably about 2 years old. She always wears a hat (bed hair?) but looks smart enough and wears make-up and her kids all look clean and well dressed. She goes to school and drops the first 2 off, then she walks to the other end of the village to the pre-school and back. Then at 12 I see her power walking back up the road and back to collect the one from pre-school. Then again at 3pm she is doing the school run back home again. What will happen when her next baby is born I wonder everytime I see her - how will she find time to actually give birth?  How did she find the energy to have sex in the first place to make this 5th baby?  Actually all of it is none of my business but I like to be nosy.  In fact I think I saw her in the scan dept of the hospital at her 20 week scan ( I was sat in a wheelchair waiting for the porter at the time and saw her from a distance so can't be 100% on this) so by my reckoning she must be due very soon. I feel like I should be knocking on her door and saying - "can I help at all because I only have 2 children and clearly have too much time on my hands"  Or is she just mad - I love my two but have absolutely no desire to have any more. She must have the patience of a saint.

On Saturday Dad and WSM come for a visit. Its a good day, we have a nice lunch and DD is full of energy as usual.

Sunday is a total nightmare. We are woken by DD at about 6am shouting that she cannot open her eyes. I go rushing in thinking she is playing up but no she is telling the truth - one of her eyes is covered in gunk and is totally crusted over. Oh shit, its conjunctivitus. Caught from my firends little girl last week no doubt, I thought we had got away with it but no.  Now I know its not the end of the world as most kids get this every now and again but for me it would be a disaster to get it. Because of my dodgy eye condition I have to put a steroid drop in my eyes every day and adding steroid to an infection like that is like fuelling a fire. My eyes would be in a right old state.  So after I have cleansed her eyes with cotton wool we go antibac and handwashing crazy. All the sheets, pillow cases , towels etc go in the wash. On the advice of NHS direct we don't need the docs but go to a chemist who prescribes anti-biotic drops for her.  Simple solution you would think. Err no.  Trying to get the drops in her eyes is hellish. She screams the place down and hides, runs, whatever she can do to avoid it.  We try being kind, bribing her,shouting at her, explaining patiently etc but nothing works. So we resort to brute force. DH holds her down while I prise her eyelids open to squeeze a drop in. She screams the place down and I wonder what the neighbours think we must be doing to her. And every 2 hours this is repeated. My nerves are frayed. She eyes the clock and constantly asks what time the next drops are. It a very unpleasant experience and I go to bed dreading the next day.

After more dreadful eye drop fights on Monday morning I phone the docs and get an appointment. There must something easier like an ointment that I can use. She can't be the first child to be scared of eye drops. DH goes to work and I cry before he goes. I didn't sleep well and am not sure how I will get the drops in on my own, look after Alex and keep them both happy all day.  We go to the docs and the minute we get into the reception Alex decides he wants feeding (again) and screams the place down. He doesn't let up for a second and my boy has some serious lungs on him when he isnt happy. The doc is great though and even though we have to have a very shouty conversation over his screaming he tells me that DD's eyes dont look too bad and after just 2 more lots of eye drops today we can stop them and just bathe the eyes in cool boiled water. He has kids and also has been through the eye drop fight. And yes she can go to school tomorrow. Thank goodness. I was worried she wouldnt be allowed to go and how would I spend more days at home keeping her entertained. We leave the docs and of course Alex stops crying and promptly falls asleep in his pram again. Little buggar.

On Tuesday DD goes back to school and she virtually skips through the door with delight to be back.  And I walk back home feeling like punching the air too. This makes me sound a very bad mother I know but as I hear various snippets of conversations such as ' thank god for that' and 'I couldn't cope with another day of those bloody holidays' and realise I am not alone. I bet Mother of nearly five is getting the flags out.

By the end of the week I am almost sane again and my house looks less of a wreck. While baby boy is asleep I can actually load the dishwasher, push the hoover around and even tidy up every now and again. 

I am only up twice a night now too - about 1am and 4am.........progress.

I end the week on Friday with a very pleasant speed shopping trip with Alex and get everything on my long list (various birthday cards, 3 birthday gifts, back to nature feeding bottles, wrapping paper and a blind for the new bathroom), eat a sandwich, drink a latte and get home again without him even opening his eyes.  Perfect.

See you next week x

Sunday, 6 March 2011

School Holidays..........someone help me.

I know this sounds pathetic, especially to those of you out there with two or more children, but half term on my own with 2 kids is very daunting.  Its February and the weather is rubbish so its not like I could plan lots of outdoor stuff or just be out in the garden.

Alex is still only tiny at 9 weeks old so about as dependant as they come but I don't want DD to miss out on fun stuff either. A cloning machine would be handy then I could be in 2 places at once.

The milk tsunami eased off over the weekend and I can now feed him again without him drowning in the stuff. That was so stressful, usually feeding is so easy.

On Monday I go up to Leicester to see old school friends and my best mate who now lives in Cornwall is travelling up to see family and meets us there too.  She meets Alex for the first time and has loads of cuddles with him.  We had to decide whether to go this morning is one of my friends daughters woke up with an eye infection but we go anyway armed with anti-bac.  its a lovely relaxing day - DD has fun playing with her friends and I get to pass Alex around and get served a lovely lunch - perfect.  We plan our 40th birthday get together in May which will be the first time I leave the baby boy overnight. I am so looking fward to some pampering, shopping, eating and drinking. I drive home with 2 contented kids and think that half term is a doddle, what was I worrying about?

Tuesday brings me back down to earth. Alex is a bit squwarky (is that a word??)  and DD wants my attention so I have my hands full all day. I take DD to a cheerleading taster session late morning and  meet her little friend there so they do it together.  Me & J get to have a coffee outside while we wait for them - first hot drink of the day for me. I had hoped the boy would stay alseep but no such luck and I feed him on a minature kiddie chair outside the cheerleading hall. In the afternoon I am split between the two of them, either feeding or making sock puppets ( no guesses what with who). The house is a state but no time to do a thing.

Wednesday is better - DD goes to a friends in the afternoon to play so I get a few hours with just Alex.

Thursday is the only day its not pouring with rain and we go to a parks trust thing in the morning for DD - theres a treasure hunt and activities etc. Trouble is my pram is not built for muddy walks and I end up with either DD's wellies stuck in the mud or the pram wheels stuck like a fly in treacle. Its no fun at all really and I wonder what I was thinking. Alex starts bawling but we are ready to go home anyway. We snuggle up on the sofa in the afternoon and watch one of the million Barbie movies I have on sky+.  The house is still a bombsite but I am past caring this week now.

And Friday comes at last and ends the week with another playdate for DD and she has fun at a friends house for most of the day. And actually the house feels quiet without her and I just have a baby to look after.  I take Alex to the docs to have his follow up from the other week. She concedes that his head is looking better now he has been for cranial osteopathy and is happy that he is smiling loads now. She signs him off and doesnt want to see him again. Hooray.

The nights have improved slightly and the clever little boy now goes down in his room by 7pm fast asleep and then wakes about 12.30/1am for milk and again about 4am. I get myself to bed by 9pm and woo hoo I get almost 4 hours sleep before the first feed.  I am getting used to it now and don't feel the need for daytime naps like I did before............the light at the end of the tunnel.

I am having the occasional alcoholic drink now too - rightly or wrongly but I don't think it will do him any harm. Just some cider or a small glass of wine 3 or 4 times a week and helps me chill out. The hard part is stopping at one glass.............

I survived the week, and although it was bloody hard work hopefully I will get used to it. 6 weeks until Easter and then its 2 weeks, Lord help me.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

weekending 18th February.........not just one cow, a whole herd of 'em !!!

Trying to find time to write this blog is about as easy as......well not very easy at all. I have to say though I am writing it for me not necessarily for everyone reading it. When I was at work I always had a huge to do list and I would get a great deal of satisfaction from crossing things off it. So this blog is now on my very short to do list but somehow the to do list never gets done:

Get through the night on not much sleep
Get up the next day with energy to be a good mum and attempt to be a reasonable wife to my husband
Get a shower and wash my hair
Get DD to school looking half decent without shouting
Eat some breakfast
Try to load the dishwasher and washing machine
Feed/dress/cuddle/play/change nappies for Alex
Occasionally vacuum
And depending what day it is - sometimes go to an activity/docs or meet a friend
And maybe if theres time to make a phone call or check my email/bank balance (more than 1 task a day is generally impossible)
Collect DD from school
Have some kind of clue what we might eat for dinner/prep for it.
Get Alex to bed ( DH does DD's bedtime)
Read DD's bedtime story of Alex is down okay
Eat meal with DH
Have approx 1-2 hours on sofa with DH before getting to bed at no later than 9.30pm
Deal with any adhoc catastrophes that arise.

Next day - do it all again.

Actually thats quite a long list now I have written it down. Not sure what the point of that was but anyway there you go - my day Monday to Friday at the moment. I am sure my brain would function much better if I could have more than 3 hours sleep at one time but fingers crossed he will start going longer soon.

We have a shocking nights sleep on the saturday night - I may have totalled about 4 hours and I feel severely wrecked on the Sunday. Not sure why but the baby boy is up every 2 hours to feed at 12, 2, 4, and 6am. Its a killer. Maybe its a growth spurt.  And DD wakes up about 6am so thats it, our day has started early.  I am desperate to get a nap but there doesnt seem to be an opportunity for one. We take DD to our friends birthday party in the afternoon - we all go as ours friends will be there too to chat to. (NCT group friends still going strong for 5 years now). DD has a lovely time and meets the boy she says she is going to marry.  Obviously the perfect boy for marriage in her eyes will probably change when she is in her 20's. They crawl around the floor together pretending to be dogs and hide from their 'owners'.  DD has met this little boy before as they are friends of friends but today they clicked for some reason. His mum & dad have recently had a baby girl so the age gap is similar - she is only a few weeks older than Alex. Can you believe at the tender age of 5, DD's husband-to -be comes up to me and asks for her email address?? So DD says, mum give him my email address. Honestly. So I say I say to her you don't have an email address, you are 5 years old, he then asks for her phone number.  Well actually I already have his mums number because we chatted earlier and as we know each other vaguely already we arrange to meet up at some point. We have both found ourselves with a new baby at our age (40!!!) and suddenly not at work and at home with baby time to kill.   DD talks about her new friend all the way home. Must be love.

On Monday 14th I meet a friend from work for lunch and we catch up which is good. Pret a manger yum - and Alex stays asleep which is a bonus. Then I dash to M&S to get the Valentines special dinner for £20. Except they have pretty much run out of everything so I just grab whatever looks nice.  me & DH manage a very nice evening - both kids asleep by 7pm so we indulge in M&S finest and have some pink sparkly stuff.

On the Tuesday I manage to get a last minute appointment for Alex at a Cranial Osteopath. He is sleeping like a baby ( pardon the pun) in the car but when we arrive at the (very peaceful) holistic treatment centre he opens one eye and starts bawling and rooting for milk even though I fed him before I left home. Despite rocking him he bawls and bawls. Its difficult because my appt is in 5 minutes so what do I do? Let him cry or risk being late for my appt cos he is clamped to the boob??  Anyway after another minute I can't let him cry anymore so I feed him in the reception. He is slightly pacified after a few mins and thankfully she is running a bit late so I have time.   She asks lots of questions so she can fill in some details. He is still crying but when she takes him from me he starts to calm down,. Maybe she is some kind of horse whisperer  for babies. Its £38 for the first appt and at first I wonder what the hell I am paying for. All she is doing is sort of stroking and tapping his head so gently you can barely feel it. Then she looks at my forehead and then wants to see a photo of DH too so she can look at his head shape. Jesus, does she think Alex's head is made from clay and she is going to mould it the right way I wonder. No she just wants to see how his skull bones should look she says like she must have read my mind.  When she is done she takes a photo and compares it to the one she took at the beginning. Bloody hell, there is actually a difference. Come back in 3 weeks for a bit more.  She warns me that he might feed a lot more than usual for the rest of the day - the procedure generally makes babies more hungry.  She is right too, I have just paid the bill at reception and he is crying for milk already so I have to feed him before I even get out of the door.  And when we get home he then feeds approx every 30 minutes until bedtime and cries inbetween. So unlike him as he is generally a very placid baby. He cries all the way to school in his pram when we walk to collect DD and then I have friends and kids around for tea after school. Thankfully they are happy to pitch in and help me get tea for the kids (we have taken it in turn each tuesday since they were babes) and rock Alex. The kids entertain themselves so no trouble really.  I barely am producing enough milk to keep him happy because of the unexpected demand........

The nights start to get a bit better as the week goes on. And on Wednesday he sleeps virtually all day and night - praps the head doctor has helped with his sleep too. On Wednesday afternoon I meet the mum of Emma's new boyfriend (from the party) and we push the babies around the local forest walk. Its good to chat to someone with a new baby too and its a pleasant way to spend the afternoon. Tea and cake at the coffee shop after too yum.

On Thursday its the last baby massage class and its a total disaster. Something crazy has happened to my milk. Its gone into some kind of mentalist overdrive and it is literally pouring out. Poor baby boy chokes, gags and splutters at every feed including at baby massage and he howls the place down, understandably.  Turns out becasue I had to feed him millions of times after the cranial thing on Tuesday, my boobs now believe they are feeding triplets or something and the milk supply has increased too much. Mother nature is very clever really but in my case I don't need all this milk. I do have a breast pump but of course if I use it, they will produce even more. So we have a very stressful couple of days trying to feed without drowning the poor boy in milk. I get some advice from my friend who is the guru (in my opinion) of boob feeding and she helps me out with some info how to reduce supply. (Thank you - you know who you are!!!). In the meantime (and close your eyes if you are of sensitive nature) I actually have to hold each boob over the sink and hand express it - like milking a cow.  I could bottle this stuff and sell it.........

All in the name of 'breast is best' for my little boy.  The things you do for love eh?

Wish me luck - next week its half term.........gulp !!!

Friday, 25 February 2011

I need a few extra pairs of hands

apologies for the lack of blog update for last week...........as i type in real time its coming to the end of half term and i have been learning the art of juggling with a 5 year old who never stops talking/jumping around/needing entertainment and a 9 week old baby who never stops drinking milk.

will update when i can ( if the men in white coats don't come for me first )

zzzzzzzz - i could do with a weeks sleep!!!!!

Friday, 18 February 2011

Hello Smiler - w/c 5th Feb

We have a pretty quiet weekend at home except for DD has a party to go to on Sunday afternoon. It comes to something when our only outing is a prty for 5 year olds.  We did have a social life once, in the dim and distant past I think.  The problem with breast feeding is that you can't really go far from your baby in the first 2 or 3 months so going out in the evening isn't really possible at the moment. Not that I mind really - it no big deal.

Talking of breastfeeding - I love feeding my son and I did it for DD too but its really no fun in public places.  I am no earth mother and it doesn't come naturally for me to sit with my boob on show. I also find it hard to balance Alex on my arm, use my other hand to hold the flesh away from his nostrils (otherwise he would suffocate - I am no Kate Moss with bee stings for breasts) and stop the dribbles of milk pouring down his face and onto whatever top I am wearing. At home I have a big cushion that he stretches out on and lies in milk-drunken bliss slurping to his hearts content without any fuss.

Anyway at this kids birthday party the boy decides he wants to eat and theres no stopping his cries for it. Its the smallest village hall in the universe but I find a chair is a small corner on a little stage thing. The kids are watching a magic show anyway so its fairly peaceful. For 2 minutes at least. Then the magic show ends and the little stage becomes packed with kids running around like loons and jumping about. Alex is unsettled by the sudden noise and he becomes distracted, constantly losing the nipple. A charming little girl comes and pokes his head and asked what his spot is ( he has a small strawberry mark above his ear). I want to tell her to buggar off but don't dare for fear of being whacked by her parents who are probably close by. I smile at her sweetly. She won't go away - staring at him and then me & constantly firing questions like only a 5 year old can and poking at his head. Don't do that darlin I say to her, he won't like it. Why? she says. I wonder whether I can get away away with sticking my foot out as she skips off. A harmless little trip, no-one would know.   I know I know, don't phone social services I wouldn't really do it !!!!!

On Monday I make a quick trip into town for some speed-shopping at M&S. I am desperate for a few new tops. Changing rooms aren't an option with a pram really - no space.  Doesn't stop me spending £85 in 10 minutes though. I am like a kid in a sweet shop - My last visit to M&S was back in November - 3 months of abstinence has to be a record. I also make it to Boots for a few bits and a card shop to purchase Valentine Card for DH to avoid corner shop card embarrasment again. And I get home without having to face the public breastfeed. Perfect.

On Wednesday have no major plans apart from a docs appointment for both myself and Alex for the 6 week post-natal check.  I am fine - and woo hoo - my blood pressure is the lowest its been for ages so I am allowed to go from 3 tablets to 2 a day instead. The inevitable contraception discussion. Yes I know I know, we had IVF but theres still a chance, so the doc fills me in on the wonders of contraception in 2011. Not a discussion I have had to have with a doc since my 20's. Our family is definately complete and it would be ironic to fall pregnant now - just when we actually don't want to. So I listen carefully. The rest will be discussed in private with my DH, dear blog readers. And then its Alex's turn. All is not perfect actually and he doesn't get signed off yet.  He has a strawberry birthmark above his ear which will grow and get bigger but then shrink by the time he is toddling (no big deal to me). But she comments on his unevenly shaped skull. and she keeps measuring it and looking at it and says, yes definately lop-sided.  And he hasn't started social smiling yet and at 7 weeks he should be. So we have to go back in 2 weeks to be checked again.  But she says, try not to worry. Fat chance of not worrying but she says to me I have to get his head measured at baby clinic weigh in tomorrow.  So I come out of the docs feeling a bit worried and definately deflated. I spend the rest of the day staring at his head. It is a bit uneven I think. Bloody hell, its not stress free being a parent is it?

On Thursday I go to the baby group in the village at the sure-start centre. Once a month the HV is there for baby weigh in and to answer any questions. Its also a bit of a social group for mums. I hadn't been before but thought I would give it a shot as I don't really know anyone with newborns at the moment. I really like my HV, she is very good which makes a pleasant change. The one I had with my DD was awful, not helpful and very patronising.  She says whilst she notices his head isn't evenly shaped she really doesnt think its that bad and is certain that it won't give him any long term problems. She measures it and its pretty normal size - on the right percentile. She recommends I visit a cranial osteopath to see what they think. He has also reached 10lb in weight. Yay! - he can now go in his grobag at night meaning I don't have to keep faffing about with his blankets that he keeps kicking off.  If I am honest I don't really enjoy the mum and baby chit chat bit - its somehow different 2nd time around. I don't feel the need to discuss in great detail the contents of my babies nappy, sleep patterns and feeding habits. And the mums are very sweet and friendly but ever so slightly dull and boring. Sorry, thats mean but I cannot bear sitting in a circle cooing over babies that don't belong to me. I cannot bear dribble and the smell of other babies stinky nappies. I try my hardest to strike up conversation but its hard work.  I am saved by Alex crying for milk so I sit and feed him. I am the ONLY breastfeeder there but if I can't expose myself at a baby group where can I??? Theres a fab rocking chair and they give me a feeding cushion too.  I spot DD in the school playground through the window and I love watching her play - she has no clue I am there.  I make my excuses and leave to go home.

Baby massage in the afternoon which is good, better than last week and we actually manage 2 massages before tucking into tea and millionaires shortbread. Probably the most expensive baby activity I have done but it is really good. THE BEST thing about it though is that Alex gives me his first huge smile!!!!! Its a big broad smile and its is just lovely, makes all the hard work bits of being a mummy worth it. Hooray! - thats one thing the GP can tick off her list for him.  Turns out the massage teacher is a friend of a friend of mine and we have met in the past. I had an evening of beauty of home years ago and all the girls from work came around and we did facials/pedicures etc and we booked her to come and do massages for each of us. Small world.

DH is now allowed 2 free passes to the spare bed each week now.  He isn't allowed to cash them in at the weekend but he gets 2 undisturbed nights during the week.  I am suprised he didn't try to negotiate for 3 nights, thats what I would have done.  Saves the grumpy exchange in the mornings if he feels he hasn't slept well (yeah right) like the other Sunday so we are both happy.

And I end the week with a quiet Friday really. I am a dab hand at the school run now, usually managing to be showered, hairwashed and blowdried now - and get me - sometimes a bit of mascara and lipgloss too. I am glamour mum (in my dreams).  I go to visit 'Jurassic Park' at DD's school at 2.45. DH meets me there and we view all the dinosaurs made by the kids at home ( no help from parents of course). I was worried that hers would be too professional as DH spent far much time 'helping' but my fears were unfounded. 90% of them looked far too good for the kids to have made alone thats for sure. One of them was even made from metal, painted and welded and bolted together for Gods sake! Then all the kids sang some songs for us which I have to admit brought a lump to my throat. My little girl is growing up so quickly. She was so proud of herself for singing all the words and getting a big round of applause from the parents.

So I have a fab 5 year old girlie growing up fast and a very cute baby boy with a wonky head. Better book that cranial osteopath.....

Another week gone already..........

Friday, 11 February 2011

Here comes february.........

I have 3 followers on this blog. That is poor by anyones standards.  And I know 2 of you live in the same household. I know from emails that lots of you are reading again now. Come on, its lonely sometimes in mummyland so add yourself on, only I know who is a follower so you you don't have to let anyone else know you are a sad blog reader. Not half as bad as being as sad blog writer I promise.

On Sunday 30th Jan we go down my mums for Christmas lunch.but we have leg of lamb instead.  Believe it or not I haven't been to my mums house since November even though she only lives down the road. Its just that since getting home I haven't had the chance to get down there - my weeks have been quite busy and half the time its been pissing with rain or freezing cold so I have done the school run and scurried home.   Anyway we eat a 3 course lunch and I drink 2 glasses of wine....small ones admittedly but I havent had any of the old vino for months.....lovely.  No Christmas pudding either but a lovely homemade trifle instead.  Alex is totally unaware that he is at Nanny and Grandads house and spends the entire time in his pram asleep.  I warn DH not to guzzle too much alcohol and then spend the afternoon snoring on the sofa. He does have a few drinks but manages to stay awake.....

On the 1st Feb its our Wedding Anniversary - 9 years ago today. Having baby brain I hadn't actually remembered about getting a card until yesterday so I had to get Londis's finest offering and a small box of choc to keep him happy.  As I am taking the two kids to a friends after school today DH is tasked with collecting a Tescos Finest dinner for 2 on his way home from work. We know how to live life in the fast lane in this house. He comes up trumps with the meal and a nice card but is sorry to tell me Tesco's don't do flowers anymore so I will have to go without. Who says romance isn't dead eh?  I can't help but point out that the flower section is near the fruit and veg where it has been for about the last 20 years but never mind the food is more important. And of course the only place that sells flowers is of course Tescos? (Hmmm) I don't feel quite so bad about my hastily purchased crappy corner shop card now.  All that said though we have quite a relaxed evening, DD is sparko by 7.30pm as usual and Alex behaves himself too.

On the 2nd Feb the doorbell goes at lunchtime. I open the door and DH is standing there with a very respectable flower bouquet !!!! Turns out they do sell flowers in places called flower shops very close to where he works.  He is forgiven ( not that I was holding it against him anyway ) but nothing wrong with laying on a bit of guilt to prompt him to redeem himself. He spent his lunchbreak getting the flowers and driving home to give them to me and then get back to work within an hour. I am impressed.

The sleep deprivation isn't too bad. I am making sure I get a quick nap on the sofa when Alex sleeps. Its not possible every day but it definately helps recharge my batteries.  When DD was a baby I spent all my time when she was asleep trying to tidy up and cook meals, load the washing machine etc etc. I was exhausted and as a result didn't always enjoy her baby days that much if I am honest. Now I am listening to what everyone tells you to do - sleep when the baby sleeps. My house hasn't fallen down and the world hasn't ended because I don't have an empty washing basket. And yes there might be cheerios all over the dining room carpet but it saves feeding the cat.  I have learnt to not stress too much about making my days 'exciting ' by doing lots of baby activities and getting out lots either. I am quite happy to sit feeding and cuddling my boy for hours, so long as I  have the sky+ controller in my hand.  I am still addicted to Deal or no Deal (someone told me last week that Noel and Alex share their birthday) and am loving Big Fat Gypsy Weddings and Embarrassing Bodies. I cannot stand Wanted Down Under - makes me want want to punch the TV - or other crap daytime monstrosities like Bargain Hunt etc.  This makes me sound like a total slob actually but my maternity leave will be over before I know it and I'll be back at work. There has to be some reward for being up several times in the night......

I nearly wear myself out though on Thursday as I have two outings in one day. No lazing about for me today.  I go to see my Eye Consultant in the morning. Just a check up really as haven't been for a few weeks. Its a bit of a mission to get there with me showered and Alex changed and fed. Parking is a nightmare but I get to the clinic for about 10am and I am seen straight away. She is very pleased to meet Alex at last - of course she had seen me a lot during my hospital stay when he was a bump. One of the nurses comes in too that I know quite well and she says how are you doing them and points at my bump. But the bump is gone so |I point at the car seat and she shouts out at the realisation that he has finally arrived ( have had many visits to the eye clinic and eye casualty in early pregnancy - another story) and she looked after me quite a lot then.  He gets a lot of fuss anyway. My eyes are okay for now even though my vision is not perfect the Consultant reckons they will settle down when my hormones do, after I stop breastfeeding. Anyway I can read the charts no problem so no worries for now.  I go out to the carpark and I can see my old bedroom window over the wall in Robert Watson Ward. Glad to be this side of the wall now but I do crane my neck to see if I can see any midwives I know through the windows. 

In the afternoon I go to baby massage again. Its very relaxing although Alex is a bit unsettled cos he hasn't had a poo for 3 days and he is suffering I think. Sorry TMI, but baby constipation is no fun because sooner or later its got to come out somehow. More on this later.  The teacher is lovely but has some funny ideas. Such as asking the babys permission to start the massage. And saying thank you to the baby when the massage is done. Surely he should be saying thank you to me? If he could speak that is. Then she puts the kettle on. Cake this week is Victoria Sandwich - yum.

On Friday evening we are hit by the poo explosion. I am changing him and then his face goes bright red and the nappy is full. No problem, I clean him up then look away to get a new nappy for a millisecond. Then I hear what I can only describe what sounds like a giant whoopie cushion and the biggest projectile poo comes shooting out and hits the wall and is dripping everywhere. It doesnt stop and its shooting over and beyond the new nappy, all up my arms, everywhere. I NEED HELP I shout....   DH and DD are in the bathroom as its her bedtime so they come running in.  'Mummy thats disgusting' she says. She's not wrong.  Another week as a slummy mummy done, roll on the weekend.

See you next week

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Another new week.......

This week I settle into a bit of a routine with Alex and the flow of visitors slows to a trickle.  I don't want to do it but feel its time to take down all the baby boy cards and put them away. There are so many, and friends have been so generous with gifts.

As I feel a bit more normal I start to look into a few mum and baby activities for us to do while DD is at school and I sign up for Baby Massage classes starting this Thursday. Too soon for swimming as he is a bit little but plan to start this in March.

The night times don't change much but I am starting to feel the effects of 5 weeks of disrupted sleep. When he is feeding at night I become a bit obsessed with counting how many chunks of sleep I have had - 3 hours + 2 hours + 1.5 hours = 6.5 hours etc etc. I try not to but I can't help it. Sometimes I am out of bed just for 30 mins, other times its 2 hours depending on how much milk he wants and how quickly he settles back in his moses basket.  As I feed him in very quietly in the semi-darkness I can't read, play on the DS or do anything to occupy my mind at all. If only I could blog with my head and transmit the words through space to my computer. That would save me some time.   I am rewarded though with a very cute boy sleeping on my shoulder as I wind him and sometimes a very milky burp in the face. Or cheesy baby sick over me if he has overindulged.

DH has been having the occasional sleep in the spare room on weekdays just so that he is not disturbed and can function at work. But on Saturday night he says he will sleep in the spare room again so that he can 'get a lie in in the morning as he has no chance to do so in the week'   I don't appreciate this at all and tell him I think its a bit selfish. For f**ks sake !!!! A lie in- I would be happy with 4 consecutive hours. I go to bed feeling slightly annoyed but fall asleep before I have chance to dwell on it. Anyway, I have a terrible night with Alex, he has a slight cold and snuffles like a pig all night and as well as feeding him every 3 hours, he is awake from 5am and I just hold him upright as he can't breath properly lying down. I am sat in the nursery at 7am feeding him and DH pops in with a breezy 'did you have a good night then???'   I am feeling tearful and bloody tired. I want to bash DH over the head with a very heavy object.  I don't though and just shut the door and tell him to go away before I say something I regret - I tell him I feel like I am doing a lot of things on my own.   The reality of it is actually, he does more than pull his weight around the house but yesterday he and DD went swimming ( gone 3 hours) and also spent 2 hours on his own making a model dinosaur (don't ask) so I did a lot on my own and for Alex but got no break even to have a shower in peace.  Anyway, like most things, we sort it out quickly without argument and he is great all day Sunday, taking Alex from me and allowing me an afternoon sleep and time with DD.   I love my little boy more than I ever thought possible but I do miss time with my little girl too and I am slowly learning to juggle time being a parent of two........

On Thursday I do the baby massage class. Its quite good actually, Very chilled out - we only do 1 massage for about 15 minutes and spend the other 1 hour 45 minutes chatting, feeding, changing nappies and finally eating chocolate cake and drinking tea.  Thats my kind of baby activity.  Back again next week. Alex likes it anyway and he sleeps for ages when we get home. I am £65 lighter though for a 5 week course so hopefully I will learn more than how to eat cake and drink tea. I'm quite good at that already.

On Friday I visit my lovely colleagues at the office. Its very very busy and I wonder how I ever had enough of a brain to do my job properly......the last time I was there was on the 18th November. Of course I never went back and started my maternity leave 3 weeks early as I was admitted to hospital that night.  Its pudding club time at 2pm and I turn up in time to eat a plate of delish lemon tart. Last year we did the great british bake off and everyone took a turn at baking a cake for each Friday. Sounds a bit wierd - you have to be there, we like to amuse ourselves at work with some bizarre things.   Everyone makes a big fuss of Alex and of course he gets passed around for cuddles. Its great to see everyone. I only stay an hour though as it is so busy and I know whats its like when you have work to do. 

I cannot believe its almost the last week of January - where did that month go????

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

And then there were two.......

Monday 17th January - DH goes back to work.......Where did that month go? When he broke up on the 16th December it seemed like he would have an eternity off work, but it flew by.

Since DD went back to school we have been doing the school run together to get me used to it. Sounds a bit pathetic as I write now, but it was a scary thought back then getting out of the house with a baby, a 5 year old who still won't dress herself and me after a night shift in the milk factory. Fortunately I dont have to do it every day, as she goes to breakfast club some days and DH will drop her off at 8am on the way to work and my mum will still collect her 2 afternoons a week. No point stopping this as when I go back to work later in the year she will be too used to me doing the school run there and back everyday. Plus she loves going to her Nannys house and going to breakfast club etc.

Getting to and from school has been fine for the last couple of weeks (with DH) - somedays easier than others. Some days I have managed a shower and hairwash before leaving the house, other days its been a case of throw my clothes on and have a quick bowl of cereal. All depends on what the state of play with Alex is really - have I just fed him, or if he's due a feed do I chance chucking him in the pram and hope he sleeps rather than cries.  Thankfully its winter and I have a big chunky coat with a hood to cover up dodgy bed hair if needed. DH makes sure she has a packed lunch made and that she is dressed/teeth cleaned/hair brushed etc.

Anyway as its Monday, I am collecting rather than dropping off and its not bad at all. In fact I overcompensate for having a baby and arrive 10 mins early Everyone coo's over Alex - he is very cute after all.. Its nice walking to collect her pushing the pram and DD is good and holds onto the pram like a good girl. Being a bit of free spirit, DD has a tendency to charge off and not necessarily listen when we say stop so I am pleasantly suprised.

I barely have time to miss DH this week really as I still have visitors coming and my mum pops up each day and begins the 'post paternity leave clean up'. The house is a bit grimy in places to be fair but we havent really minded but a proper clean is long overdue. I am still not meant to be doing heavy stuff like vacuuming, loading the washing machine etc - shame.

The health visitors assistant pops by on the Tuesday to weigh Alex.she is happy with him and he weighs now 8lb, 1oz and is on a high percentile which we are both happy with. Friends come after school so all the kids can play so the house is very moisy and pretty much a bombsite by the time DH gets home.

Wednesday 19th January.........Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me.........Oh yes its the big 40 today. I have officially entered my 4th decade with leaky boobs and an inability to drink more than 1 glass of wine without feeling tipsy.  DH and DD spoil me before going to work/school and I get lovely cards and pressies. I open some other cards but then they run ouut of time and have to go. There are sparkly number 40's all over the floor - they keep falling out of pressies sent by Dad and WSM.  Its funny that so many of my pressies have hearts on then.......necklaces and a brooch, a dangly heart candle thingy, a crystal sparkly heart pendant from DH...........so many lovely things.  

I go to the village pub with Mum and Mike at lunchtime to eat, Alex obviously comes too but he just sleeps on in his pram. I have half a shandy - woo hoo.  After school Mum brings Emma and we open more pressies and then DH gets home at 4.30pm - he worked through his lunch. A lovely friend from the next village brings me a big bunch of roses which is nice.  The aim is to get the children into bed so we can have a nice meal but although DD goes to bed and sleeps, Alex has an unsettled evening so I am up and down the stairs, eating when I can and I have just one glass off sparkly pink stuff.  Shouldn't be having anymore than that anyway otherwise my milk will be too boozy for the little boy.

So its not a massive birthday celebration but considering Alex was only due to be born 5 days ago on the 14th and he is actually now 4 weeks old I am in a lot better shape than I expected. And this is a year of being 40 so have lots of good stuff planned over the next few months when he is a little less dependant on me ( and I am in a position to drink lots of wine!!!)

On Thursday I do the morning school run and its a bit stressful but we make there okay and on time without any tears......

I go to the docs again and I know I have been thinking about it too much even though my home readings haven't been bad at all - in the 80's which is good. One night in the week I was sat thinking at about 3am feeding Alex and I started stressing about the possibility of a 24 hour blood pressure monitoring as the doc had mentioned. Jesus, what does that mean??? A trip back to hospital so they they attatch me to one of those auatomatic monitor things. Oh God, what if I can't take Alex with me??? Amazing how you can drive yourself mad with worry in the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep.

Anyway so I sit in the docs again thinking about what the reading will be. Unsuprisingly its through the roof and the Doc wont even tell me what the reading is.....he is happy to disregard it though and goes with my home monitor readings though which are in the low 80's mainly so he is fine with that. He knows I make my own pressure higher by the power of thought.  I tentatively ask him whether he will send me for 24 hour monitoring and what does it involve and I really dont want to go back to hospital.  He looks at me like I am slightly insane and says we absolutely wouldn't send you back to hospital - we just put a machine on your arm and you go about your normal business, simple. Oh how daft I am to have worried. I need to listen to my own beliefs of sending away those negative thoughts, they don't do anybody any favours, myself included.  I am allowed to have a week off and go back approx 2 weeks later to be checked but stay on the meds as normal until then. Back in 2005 it took me 4 months for my BP to get back to normal - he checked my medical record so looks like it may be similar this time.  Phew...........

So I end the week quite happy and survived quite easily without DH, even though I have missed having him around it hasn't been bad at all.

See you next week xxx

Monday, 31 January 2011

A radio show and a visit back to hospital........

At the beginning of week 3 at home we try to get Alex into a bedtime routine. We did this with DD and now she is a great sleeper so fingers crossed it will work with him too.  He is sleeping in his moses basket in the lounge until we go to bed then he comes into our room normally. But on Saturday night when he is two and a half weeks old I take him up at 6.30pm and put him to down to sleep in his basket. When DD goes up to bed at 7pm herself, it is officially a child free zone downstairs.  Of course it takes a while for him to get used to it and apart from a couple of nights when he sleeps straight after his milk, we are up and down the stairs either feeding, winding or soothing him. But actually he doesnt seem to cry much, just when he wants cuddles.  We will will have to see how it goes. There'll be a few cold dinners eaten by me and DH no doubt over the next couple of weeks or so.

Apart from that though, he is great during the night, waking about every 3 hours for feeding but then amazingly going straight back to sleep in his crib afterward without any fuss.  I get my sleep in 2.5 hour chunks through the night - could be a lot worse..........

When I was in hospital BBC radio Northampton came for a look around the ward and did some interviews with people ready for a live show from Robert Watson Ward on the 10th January. They asked me at the time after a brief recorded interview whether I would mind if they called me when they were doing the live show on the 10th Jan so that I could report back in and give an update on how I was getting on with the baby back at home.  So on the Monday of this week I tuned in to listen and it was very odd to listen to the presenter doing the live show and he was describing everything about the ward and doing interviews with staff. Breakfast Wendy was interviewed and a couple of the midwives that I knew while I was there. The phone went at 7.45 and I was put on hold whilst waiting to go on and they played back my original interview recorded back in December - I felt quite emotional listening to me talking, I have no idea why, I guess it just felt like a lifetime ago and such an emotional time, life on the inside before Alex came along. Then Joe said, and here we have her live on the phone...... I was only on a few minutes and he ended the interview in typical presenter cheesy fashion - ' so Helen, will you be booking into the Robert Watson Hotel and Spa for another break in the near future?? Ho ho ho'  Err no, Joe I don't think I will thank you very much.......

I send in a card for all the staff and order a load of cakes to be delivered to the ward for all the staff to say thank you for looking after me while I was in. I did put a little note in the card for Paula with my hospital blog address just incase she might be interested to have a look. She is a very busy lady though but thought I would share my experience with her and the staff.

I had a bit of luck this week too as I was going through some work insurance stuff to find that I am part of a hospital cash plan thing and although I knew about it, I didn't actually realise that it paid out for hospital stays aswell as general stuff like dentistry, optical stuff etc.  Bloody hell, £17.50 per DAY for any hospital stays including maternity related for more than a 10 day stay. Woo Hoo.......what a bonus.  I have to get a form signed and stamped by the hospital to prove I was there.  I arrange to pop back on the Thursday to the ward to get it sorted out, they have done these before and don't mind.  Me and DH are in Northampton that day as we have an appointment to get Alex registered and get his birth certificate.

On Thursday after we drop DD at school we go over to Northampton to pop to the hospital and then go on to the registry office.  DH stays in the car with Alex while I pop back in to the ward. I feel a bit goosebumpy as I walk down to the ward doors and press the buzzer. Now I am the visitor !!!  I wasn't expecting to be allowed on the ward, I thought they would just come and get the form from me but no I was buzzed in........Oh My God, I cannot tell you how strange it felt walking back down that familiar corridor to the midwives office.  And Breakfast Wendy is doing the morning drinks - she sees me and looks back down at what she is doing then looks up at me for a second time and does a double take - Helen ! she says and she throws her arms around me and we have a big hug. She didn't recognise me in outdoor clothes....and I carry on into the offfice and I am so pleased to see that Paula is on duty and Rebecca too. Paula looks at me and says she spent the previous evening reading my blog and was overwhelmed by it - she laughed and cried at it and wants to know if she can share it with all the staff and to get it printed off to keep a copy. I am amazed and flattered that she did spend her own time reading it but she said its a real tribute to the work they do on Robert Watson ward. She thought the best bit was me crying all over the Mayor on Christmas Day morning. I am not sure if the Mayor would agree with her. We chat for 10 minutes or so about how everything is going. She completes the form for me and before she sends me off to get it stamped we have a big hug and I say goodbye - her and Rebecca keep looking at me and say they cannot believe how well and normal I look.  Well I am just in my jeans but with a bit of make up on and blowdried hair but I did look like a bit of a bag lady during my hospital stay so they havent seen me looking normal before.  As I go back out, I look to the left to room 10 - and the showers/loos etc and I actually feel nostalgic. Wendy is still about and we hug again. I know its unlikely that I'll ever see any of these ladies again and I don't actually want to leave yet. What is wrong with me to actually feel this way I wonder. I am I not normal???? Do I have no life at home with my lovely family and friends?  I suppose this place was just such a big deal and part of my life for 5 or so weeks and so many of the staff became my temporary family and friends while I was here.  I go past the notice board with all the thank you cards on it and see mine now up amongst them.   While I was in here I would stand and read all the cards just for something to do.

Anyway, out I go, get my form stamped and go back out to my husband and son. 

We go to the register office and we make it official - baby boy is officially Alexander William. No changing our minds now and he is the proud owner of a birth certificate.  We then go on to DH's Aunties house for lunch and spend a lovely afternoon with her and she gets to know Alex.

What a really lovely day........

I end the week with another trip to the docs on Friday and the old Blood Pressure reading experience freaks me out again with a reading in the 90's. I cannot help it, just thinking about it makes it high for me. The Doc isnt too worried, says that they might have to do a 24 hour reading on me at some point but for now use my home monitor and write down the best of 3 readings each day and report back in next week...........still on the tablets in the meantime.

DH goes out for a couple of beers and a curry to wet the babys head on Friday night.  I feel slightly un-nerved at the prospect of being in charge of 2 children for the evening but he is out on the condition that he goes after he has got DD to bed and that he doesnt end up on some mental drinking session and come rolling home at 5am.  In the event its fine, even when DD gets out of bed after he has gone and choosing the only evening that DH hasnt been in for weeks to need a poo and want help wiping her bum. Not an easy task when you have a baby on your breast I can tell you but we cope. She is quickly learning the art of patience.......

Thursday, 27 January 2011

2011........a new year starts.

I don't have any New Year resolutions. Apart from perhaps to blow the dust off the Alan Sugar Autobiography and the Brain training on the DS which have both been untouched since the 21st December, the day before Alex was born.  Lord only knows what my brain age must be now. I daren't pick it up for fear that my brain age might be as high as my blood pressure.  There just arent enough hours in the day but as a seasoned Mum, I knew that it would be like this at first.

The C-section scar is doing well now and much less tender. So I say goodbye to the disposable knickers forever and wear proper pants again starting 1st January. Of course the huge pads are still present but hoping to downgrade to superplus normal (non-maternity) ones in the next day or two.  probably TMI but you know I like to share details.

We have some visitors this morning - our friends J & A come with their 2 girls and its lovely to see them.  DD is dizzy with excitement as its been a long time since she was at school and getting bored so to see her little friends to play with is great for her. And even better, they take DD back home with them for a few hours to play so that we get a bit of a break. We are very grateful for this. It makes me realise now typing this that I probably had not thought about how much harder it is with 2 children to think about instead of just 1 and wish I had offered a bit more practical support to friends with new babies myself. 

Yesterday we had gone out for a walk just around the village with the pram and I was suprised how wobbly I felt by the time we got back - legs like jelly. I underestimated how feeble I was after all that time in hospital I think.

Over the course of the week we have people to visit - its lovely to see my friends escpecially those with a long way to drive just to see us for a couple of hours. And Alexanders wardrobe is growing. He is the coolest baby boy around as he gets so many trendy little outfits as gifts.

On the 4th January the midwife signs us off and although my BP is still high - she is happy for the GP to review me going forward. I am now in the hands of the Health Visitor who will visit on Thursday. Feel a bit sad thats it now - I am done with midwives forever.

DH is off work until the 17th January so still plenty of time left. DD goes back to school on the 5th January and strangely I feel emotional when DH takes her and I stay at home with Alex. Probably because I am fussing about whether she has got everything in her bookbag, packed lunch etc and DH just looks at me & says says H - I know what I am doing you know.  He is right, he doesnt need me to remind him anymore.....

On the 6th the HV comes to see me and she is really happy with Alex - the little porker is back to his birthweight - must be all the milk munching he is doing.  Think I am quite lucky because he is settling really well at night and even though its a killer getting up 2 or 3 times a night its nowwhere near as bad as I remember it with DD who was a night time screamer for weeks and weeks. I was nearly off my head with sleep deprivation then- only getting chunks of sleep an hour or so at a time. I had a proper sense of humour bypass so I hope that I am lucky and he keeps being a good baby.....

A good end to the week when I visit the nurse at the Doctors and my BP is on the way down slowly........back again next week.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

The hospital blogger returns.........

Well can you believe it?  Here I am again.  As I write this on the 21st January I will try to backdate from memory ( and my memory is not great - full of baby stuff and foggy from sleepless nights) I have been fighting the urge to blog but its beaten me. I cannot promise the emotional ride of the Hospital Stay http://www.cheekyboycausestrouble.blogspot.com/ but this will be my ramblings of everyday life from me and my little family. And of course now the milk muncher is here, time is in short supply so I will try to update weekly if I can. Life is just too interesting not to write about. I feel very flattered by friends and family saying how much they loved reading my hospital blog so here goes.....this is for you with love xxxxx

Christmas week.......

It is a pleasure to wake up in my own bed on Boxing day morning. Well I had the pleasure about 4 times as Alex is of course feeding through the night so I was out of bed about 3 times in the night I think. DH was also out of bed with us as still topping him up with formula due to lack of boob milk coming in so it was his job to get the milk ready.  Getting out of bed is still painful too as I can't sit up yet so its the sideways shuffle to the edge of the mattress for me. And of course there is no metal rail to grab like there was on my bed in hospital so its a slow process. By mid-morning though, I notice a change in the bra department......eat your heart out Katie Price, the milk lorry has arrived......and by the evening I am able to abandon the formula and switch to breastfeeding alone. And the clever little boy just gets on with it.  Its quite bizarre from where I am sitting that my boobs are actually bigger than his head.

Over the course of the first week at home I have a visit everyday from a midwife to check my blood pressure. This was a condition of being discharged from hospital on Christmas Day aswell as being back on the BP tablets. This is quite stressful as I have the classic white coat syndrome and the readings are always high to the point where my midwife actually rings my GP and sends me off to the docs on the 29th. It is of course through the roof when its read again and the Doc isnt my ususal one and is a bit useless, so I actually suggest to her increasing the tablets from 2 a day to 3 instead. An appointment is made to go back a couple of days later.  We meet a neighbour in the docs and she didnt realise I had been in hospital for so long. When she asked why I told her about the placenta previa and she goes quiet and looks at Alex and tells me I am very blessed.  She reluctantly tells me that her sister in law almost died from a bad bleed with the same condition and lost the baby she was carrying. Its a sobering thought, but by now having heard other sad stories while in hosiptal I know how lucky I was and feel glad that I was made to stay there.

Its just lovely to be at home with DD bouncing around and me being able to choose what I eat and when!  We have classic boxing day lunch of cold turkey and salad but its strange to not have actually eaten the turkey as a hot dinner the day before.  Alex mainly sleeps and drinks milk all day.  He doesnt cry much so can't be bad.  DH doesnt let me lift a finger and thats a good thing because I am knackered. Walking up the stairs is a major effort and my legs actually ache from the effort of it. Its easy to underestimate how little I have moved around the last few weeks and I havent actually even seen any stairs let alone climbed them.

On day 5 I am due to have the C-Section stitch removed and Alex is to be weighed so a midwife arrives at home and its a pleasure to see my old midwife from 5 years ago on the doorstep. And she remembers me which is lovely. She is on call that day and has been out in the snow doing her rounds. Alex has only lost a couple more ounces so all that milk munching has paid off.  I brace myself for the moment the beaded stitch thing comes out but Sarah is very good at it so apart from one brief teeth gnashing moment as the thread is pulled out it isnt too bad.  Its healing well she says and I am having lovely soaks in the bath each morning to keep it clean but due to serious wobbly belly overhang I can't actually see the scar yet.

Over the week I gradually open presents which is lovely, and see DD playing with her things but its a bit odd that I didnt see her open any on Christmas Day so I have no clue who bought her what.  I open my secret santa pressie from work amongst others and I have to admit that I am still clueless as to who bought me the 'Philadelphia Cheese cookbook' as it had no label on it. If anyone can help me identify the giver of this gift please let me know......

Dad and WSM come on the 30th and we 'do' Christmas day then with pressies etc. They get to meet Alex at last and have lots of cuddles with him.  Apart from Mum and Mike popping in, these are pretty much the only visitors we have - which is what we want, I am not strong enough to have too much going on and my midwife actually advises a bit of bed rest due to the high BP and my ankles are swollen.  I am on strict orders to have my feet up at all times so I do as I am told within reason.

DD is lovely with her little brother and she mainly calls him 'the baby brother' rather than by his name.  The house is pretty chaotic, with pressies everywhere, piles of bags in the hall and in the office/spare room there are bags and little piles of post all over the place.  Its the result of nearly 6 weeks of post/my stuff that I sent home with DH from hospital/unidentifiable boxes of christmas receipts, wrapping paper etc. It'll take some serious sorting out but it'll get sorted eventually.  And DH is still finishing the bathroom so we have paintbrushes, tiles, grout, screwdrivers sat on random surfaces everywhere.  I finally to get to read all of DD's birthday cards too which are still up from the 14th but I dont get to read the Christmas cards that are just on every surface I can see.  Theres just not enough hours in the day. Baby Boy cards start to arrive so I take the birthday cards down and put the babys cards up instead.  There must be a few quids worth of cards in this house, I think Clintons must be coining it in.

New Years Eve is a non-event but I do have a very exciting wine glass full of pear cider which is lovely and DH and I share a chinese takeaway. We are in bed by 10pm but I do actually see in the New Year with the milk muncher who woke up at 11.35pm so he is clamped to my boob as midnight strikes and I hear the fireworks going off in the village. DH is snoring away and misses it all and DD was in bed hours earlier.

Anyway I say goodbye to the year that was 2010 and look forward to 2011, whatever it might have in store for us. Happy New Year xxx